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C of E Primary School

School Food

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Break Time Snacks

Children in Foundation Stage and KS1 are provided with a free piece of fruit each day which they are encouraged to eat at break time.
Children in KS2 can bring in a piece of fruit or healthy snack for break time.
Sweets, Lollipops, biscuits, snackbars, chocolate and crisps are highly discouraged as a break time snack. No nuts of any kind please.

Water Bottles

Children are encouraged to bring in water bottles to drink during the day. These should only contain water and children will not be permitted to drink anything other than water during lesson times. Whilst the children will not have them directly with them in the children, they will be in a place they can access throughout lesson time.
Please ensure that bottles have a sports cap so they do not spilland are not glass bottles.

Arrangements for lunchtime

Our children will eat their lunch in their classroom before going out to play. School made lunches will be collected by your child from the hatch in the hall and taken back to class to be eaten. After that they will go out to play either on the playground or the field, the children will mix with children from other year groups and they will be supervised by the midday staff.

School lunch

A hot lunch, made on the premises by Cheshire East Catering, is served daily in the school hall. A two course hot school lunch is available free each day under the Universal Free Meals initiative for Reception to Year 2 children.
School Lunch costs £3.50 per day for children in Years 3-6.
There is a choice of two main courses a day – children will know this as a pink or yellow choice. The children will book their lunch choice at morning registration. School can offer a jacket potato option if a child does not like either of the 2 main course options.
Parents are asked to register for ParentPay to make payment for school lunches. The school office can provide details and help with this.

Packed Lunch (Lunch brought from home)

Alternatively, children may bring a healthy packed lunch. Our school supports the Healthy Schools Campaign and we would therefore ask that there are no sweets or fizzy drinks included within the packed lunch.
NO NUTS OF ANY KIND are allowed (including peanut butter or Nutella type chocolate spread), some members of our school community have allergies and we ask that everyone respects this request.
Children are encouraged, not forced to eat the savoury food first and to eat a reasonable proportion of their food. Children are not allowed to swap or try food from anyone else's lunch box. Any food not eaten from packed lunch boxes will be brought home so that you are able to see what is being eaten. If staff are concerned about a child's eating habits we will inform you.

Sweets and Treats for Birthday

If children would like to celebrate their birthday with the class, then they are encouraged to donate a book or a game for the children to share and enjoy throughout the year. Please do not send into school sweets or cake to be shared by the class.

Our Current Menu

Universal Infant Free School Meals

All pupils in Reception and Key Stage One are entitled to a free hot dinner. Over 98% of children at this age take this option.

Alternatively, pupils may bring in a healthy packed lunch from home.

Free School Meals

Cheshire East award free school meals to families that receive the qualifying incomes as outlined on their website and whose children attend a Cheshire East school.

Please visit the Cheshire East Council Website to find out if you are eligible. We encourage all eligible families to access free school meals.

We have been asked to advise parents that they can apply for FSM or PP online or by telephone on 0300 123 5012.

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01270 841302

Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street

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