This page contains information and resources to support the wellbeing of Parents, Guardians and Carers
Useful links:
Mind – How to relax
Child to Parent Violence
Parents struggling with their children's violence are often confused and isolated. It can be hard to find ways to keep everyone safe including the child whose behaviour is posing the risk to positive family relationships and safety. It can be difficult to know how to make things better.
You are not alone!
Violence is not the same as anger. Anger is an emotion and we can help children find safe outlets for that; violence is a sign that things are more serious and can lead to parents feeling controlled by their children. Child violence is any behaviour used by a child in the family which results in a parent – or sibling – feeling controlled, threatened or coerced.
You can find information from Cheshire East in these leaflets: Child to Adult and Adolescent to Adult violence.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street