Wybunbury Delves has a high attendance target of 97% or above and must comply with Cheshire East Council's policy for good practice in managing attendance. We monitor attendance and inform parents by letter where their child's attendance is below 90% across a term; if attendance falls below 90% (persistent absence), the Education Welfare Officer will become involved.
The government does not expect school to authorise absence for holidays in term time as this is detrimental to your child's education. If you are experiencing any problems and you feel school is able to help – please call into the school office to see Mrs Chesters.
No more than 10 days absence. This means your child has missed 9 days of school in the year. This is equivalent to missing almost 50 lessons. 95% attendance sounds good, but means that you are taking one day off a month. If this continues, by the time they leave school they would have missed a whole term of school.
No more than 19 days absence This means your child has missed 4 weeks of school in the year. If this continues, by the time they leave school they would have missed a whole year of school!
No more than 29 days absence a year.
This means your child misses half a term each year. If this continues, by the time they leave school they would have missed more than two whole years of school!
As a parent you have a legal duty to ensure that your child attends school on a regular basis; it a criminal offence for a parent to 'fail to secure their child's regular attendance at the school'.
The school must be told by a parent/guardian of the reason for a child's absence or lateness. When parents do not notify the school of the reason for the child's absence, it must be deemed to be unauthorised (truancy) and must be recorded as such. Parents are asked to notify the school on the first day of absence before 9.30am. (lunches may be charged for if absence is notified after this time.)
Although we understand that occasionally things can go wrong which cause late registration, itis important that children are in school on time each day. When children arrive late they miss important information from the teacher regarding the day. Our lessons start promptly and registration time is not wasted with many classes having pre-teach activities taking place to allow the children to have confidence in the coming lessons. You are reminded that our school times are:
Morning | Afternoon | |
8.40am-8.50am | 12.55pm-1pm | Registration time |
8.50am--9.20am | 1-1.15pm | Pupils will receive a Late Mark--Code L |
9.20am onwards | 1.15pm onwards | Pupils are marked as having an Unauthorised Absence- code U |
We understand that, on occasions, pupils may have to miss school due to ill health. We ask parents to:
1. Only keep pupils off school when it is absolutely necessary
2. Contact school by email (mailto:office@wybunburydelves.co.uk) or phone on 01270 841302 on the first day of absence by 9.20am, indicating the reason for the child's absence and the expected date of return. Please note if the reason given is 'poorly' or 'unwell', staff will ask for further information about the absence.
3. In cases of persistent, prolonged absence or repeated absence, school may require medical evidence, e.g. doctor's note, to explain the absence.
4. Parents are asked to keep a child off for 48 hours where s/he suffers sickness or diarrhoea.
5. Parents are asked to contact the school for advice regarding recommended absence for contagious illness.
Medical/dental appointments should be made out of school hours to prevent disruption to learning.
Where this is not possible, please provide the school office with the appropriate evidence, e.g. letter/appointment card.
Children should not be taken out of school due to other family member appointments. If a child leaves school after the register has been taken for the session for a medical appointment then their registration mark for the session will be recorded as an M – a medical appointment absence.
This will be recorded in the register as an absence under the right code. If you are leaving early, e.g 2pm Friday afternoon to go on holiday it will be recorded as an unauthorised holiday, 10am doctors appointment will be recorded as an M
Fixed Penalty Notices apply to all types of unauthorised absence, not just those accrued through holidays in term time. Parents are reminded that Holidays within term time cannot be authorised by school.
If 10 or more unauthorised absences (1 absence = ½ day) are accrued over two consecutive terms then school will consult the LA on the issuing of a Fixed Penalty Notice. The cost of which is £60 per parent per child if paid within 21 days increasing to £120 per parent per child to be paid within 28 days if remains unpaid will be processed to Court for prosecution. These Fixed Penalty Notices have been introduced as part of the government's drive to improve attendance.
More information about school attendance can be found on Cheshire East's website.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street