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C of E Primary School

Lighthouse Curriculum

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Our Curriculum Overview – Our Lighthouse

A curriculum to SHINE, live in God's Light and be a beacon of hope

Our Curriculum is based on a 'Learning Tree' Approach to Curriculum Design. We have adapted the concept to ensure it encompasses our school motto, 'Towards the Light', our aims and values as we strive to 'Let our Light Shine' Matthew 5:14

Strong Foundations – The Rocks

Our school's context the curriculum grows from here, it keeps our curriculum anchored securely.

The Light House – the heart of our curriculum which gives it Core Strength.

The Sea- Our Aims, values and ethos which enfold around our aspects of our curriculum and school life.

The Shining Light – all of the other subjects and topics which are our curriculum. They are dependent on the 'Rocks and the Lighthouse', they always reach out from the Lighthouse to the sky and beyond, the ambition within the curriculum and the drive for our children to become leading lights in our community and our world.

The Clouds – the enhancements and enrichments to our curriculum – visits, visitors, clubs, curriculum extras and theme days. They surround our curriculum to enrich the experience.

SPARK – Our driver for planning and learning values

S – Spirituality P – Practical A – Asking Questions R- Resilience K – Knowledge

The guiding light on the path of each child's learning journey

Wybunbury Delves Lighthouse Curriculum to SHINE and be a beacon of hope

Our school motto is 'Towards the Light' it is deeply rooted in Biblical scripture

Matthew 5: 16 'Let your light SHINE'

At Wybunbury Delves we aim:

  • To know Jesus, Light of the World;
  • To be the guiding light on the path of each child's learning journey;
  • To light the spark for a love of learning and of life;
  • For our children to become leading lights in our community and our world;
  • For every child to shine.

Our Ethos

We are a caring family, a Christian community where everyone adopts an "I can" attitude; everyone feels valued, safe and loved by God. We celebrate our God-given individuality, achievements and talents and we aspire, with God's help, to become the best that we can be – TO SHINE. We believe that each one of us has the ability to achieve our highest potential, living and learning in the fullness of God.

Our vision

We build a school community where each child experiences a love of learning and of life and is able to 'shine'.

The Lighthouse Curriculum

Our curriculum puts our vision, values and love at the heart of our teaching.

The Rocks – The foundations

Our school's curriculum is securely anchored in our context, aims and vision. It all grows from here.

The Church of England Vision for Education is one of our anchor rocks.

Their vision for education is deeply Christian, with Jesus' promise of 'life in all its fullness' at its heart. In line with the Church of England's role as the established Church, the vision is for the common good of the whole community. We have aligned the four strands with our school aims and you will see this vision in our school by:

Educating for wisdom, knowledge and skills: enabling discipline, confidence and delight in seeking wisdom and knowledge, and developing talents in all areas of life.

To light the spark for a love of learning and of life.

  • Providing teaching and learning of the highest quality which results in pupils attaining to the full extent of their potential.
  • Ensuring that all pupils benefit from a rich, broad, balanced curriculum presented in an interesting, exciting and imaginative manner with lots of opportunities for first-hand experience, practical work, investigation and learning through play.
  • Enriching the curriculum with visits, visitors, and extensive use of our unique environment.

Educating for hope and aspiration: enabling healing, repair and renewal, coping wisely when things go wrong, opening horizons and guiding people into ways of fulfilling them.

For every child to shine.

  • Treating pupils as individuals and to differentiate teaching and learning to take account of their individual and special needs demonstrating a clear awareness of children's preferred learning styles.
  • Match teaching and learning to the appropriate stage of children's physical, mental, social, spiritual, moral and cultural development needs.
  • Helping all children to become more effective and independent learners and leaders within their community

Educating for community and living well together: a core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together.
For our children to become leading lights in communityandour world.

  • A core focus on relationships, participation in communities and the qualities of character that enable people to flourish together
  • Promoting an open, honest and trusting home-school relationship, which is invaluable for a child's education.
  • Building a welcoming, lively, secure community where good behaviour is expected and where they can acquire the leadership skills relevant to adult life and employment in a fast changing world.

Educating for dignity and respect: the basic principle of respect for the value and preciousness of each person, treating each person as a unique individual of inherent worth

To be the guiding light on the path of each child's learning journey.

  • Instilling a respect for Christian and moral values and principles, whilst engendering respect and understanding of other beliefs: fostering Christian values so that all children have respect for themselves, others and the environment.
  • Providing a caring, happy and stimulating environment in which children are highly motivated in a non-threatening atmosphere.
  • Being an inclusive school that celebrates diversity and ensures that all pupils are given equality of opportunity regardless of gender, special needs, disability or race.

Another rock is familyCDAT (Chester Diocesan Academies Trust). Children are at the heart of CDAT. We want each individual to develop knowledge, skills, understanding and wisdom, underpinned by values based on principles that are important to people of all faiths and no faith.

'Jesus said, 'I have come in order that you might have life, life in all its fullness.' (John 10:10)

CDAT wants every child to experience 'life in all its fullness': to have outstanding learning opportunities; opportunities to act, sing, dance, play sport and be artistic; opportunities to make lifelong friendships, help those in need and become full and rounded individuals; opportunities to develop and pursue ambitions. In short, we want the very best for all of our children.

Other rocks are our history and local area- Our school has been serving this community for 200 years (est. 1822) and it's foundations can be traced back further to the will of Sir Thomas Delves in 1827. Our community as a rural village on the outskirts of Nantwich in south Cheshire is important. Our curriculum needs to develop from this context and encompass local history and geography as well as provide comparison to other areas of our country, continent and world.

The Sea – Our Aims, values and ethos which enfold around all aspects of our curriculum and school life.

We have a strong focus on all of our Christian Values, Fruits of the Spirit – Galatians 5: 22-23. The fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy Peace, Patience, Kindness, Generosity, Forgiveness, Gentleness and Self-Control. In our school this is seen through:

  • Loving God, loving and accepting ourselves and loving and responding well to other
  • A joy of learning
  • A peaceful classroom environment
  • Kindness and generosity towards others
  • Gentle interactions
  • Patience and understanding of all
  • Learning from our mistakes and showing forgiveness when needed
  • Excellent behaviour and positive attitudes

We learn about how toLOVEourselves and one another – our HeartSmart actions:

  • Positive relationships
  • High levels of praise

-Love and care for others
-Learning from mistakes
-Fostering a growth mindset & perseverance
-Equal opportunity for all pupils
-Nurturing positive self-esteem

Our learning Values and curriculum driver – SPARK

  • Spirituality
  • Practical
  • Asking questions
  • Resilience
  • Knowledge

The Light House – the heart of our curriculum, it's Core Strength.

These elements are core subjects – the rigor for English, Maths and our church school foundations which need to underpin and be at the heart of all we do in school.

Read Write Inc is a DfE-validated systematic synthetic phonics programme with a whole-school approach to teaching early reading and writing. It teaches children to read accurately, fluently and with understanding. It is the heart of our early reading and phonics curriculum.

Big Cat Reads allow our children to continue their reading journey with books appropriate to their ability and they read a range of different text types.

Steps to Read is used to explicitly teach reading skills and strategies after children have completed the Phonics programme.

Talk for Writing is an engaging teaching framework developed by Pie Corbett. It is powerful because it is based on the principles of how children learn. It enables children to imitate the language they need for a particular topic orally, before reading and analysing it, and then writing their own version.

Power Maths is a UK curriculum mastery programme designed to spark curiosity and excitement and nurture confidence in maths.

Chester Diocesan scheme of work for RE This RE syllabus is a collection of medium term plans based on 11 Christian theological concepts. Each concept is built on progressively from Reception to Year 6.

Heartsmart, our curriculum for PHSE. HeartSmart is a creative approach that we use to build character, emotional health and resilience in children. Equipping children with foundational principles and skills that will improve their mental health and relationships and academic achievement, at Wybunbury Delves, we want everyone to know that they are loved, cared for and valued. We recognise the value of educating the heart alongside educating the mind. We use HeartSmart to do just that!

The Shining Light

All of the other subjects and topics which are our curriculum. They are dependent on the 'Rocks and the Lighthouse', they always reach out from the Lighthouse to the sky and beyond, the ambition within the curriculum and the drive for our children to become leading lights in our community and our world.

The Clouds

The enhancements and enrichments to our curriculum – visits, visitors, clubs, curriculum extras and theme days. They surround our curriculum to enrich the experience.

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01270 841302

Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street

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© 2024 – Wybunbury Delves CE Primary School