Loving God
We pray that this school may be a place of welcome, security and compassion.
Keep us watchful yet caring, trustingyet ready to question
that all who are part of our community here may do so in safety and in the knowledge of your love;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
Children are taught how to keep safe in and out of school through lots of different ways. The police and fire service visit school regularly to give educational talks. E-safety and cyber-bullying is covered as part of the PHSE/Computing curriculum.
Wybunbury Delves works in partnership with the NSPCC who visit school to talk to the children about 'Speaking Out, Staying Safe' and parent workshops are offered too. Anti Bullying Week and other similar initiatives are ran throughout the year at school. For this year's Anti Bullying Week, we came dressed to school in odd socks to celebrate our differences and we read books about gender stereotypes, accepting ourselves, all families are different and celebrating our uniqueness.
'Recommended Reads' all about Anti Bullying and acceptance
Regular pupil voice is gathered about how children feel in regards to safety, anti bullying and school.
Our differences are celebrated at Wybunbury Delves and we ensure we teach this through shared stories and through our British Values. Children are encouraged to share any worries or concerns by talking to an adult in school and/or putting a note in our worry/prayer boxes as we believe a happy mind learns best and children's well-being is paramount to us.
We are pleased to announce that Wybunbury Delves have received the Stonewall Bronze School Champion Award. Please see our news page for more updates on how we celebrate differences, more about anti bullying week and stay safe week.
'Teaching about different families is embedded exceptionally well and your pupils clearly responded to this work really positively.'
'Your support for LGBT parents at your school is absolutely wonderful.'
'Clearly staff feel confident to challenge even less obvious incidents of gender-based stereotypes.'
We are also very proud of our child-led safeguarding team, consisting of our three Y6 children who work together as the 'Friendship Squad', leading initiatives such as role playing friendship issues in front of the whole school, problem solving and improving our school by helping with writing a child friendly anti bullying policy and making posters to keep children safe. Click here to see our child friendly anti bullying policy. They also work with PC Nick on Junior Safety Officer jobs to help keep our children safe. They announce regular safety bulletins and run safety competitions. Please see our news section for announcements!
'A caring ethos is evident throughout the school and staff promote a culture of high expectations, and improvement through teaching skills to encourage pupils to become effective learners.'
Ofsted 16
'Pupils say they feel safe in the school, a view confirmed by parents.'
Ofsted 16
'Leaders have successfully developed a culture of safeguarding in the school.'
Ofsted 16
We undertake Risk Assessments for classrooms, activities and all external visits and ensure ratios of adults and children fulfil legal requirements. All staff and adults working with the children are DBS checked and key staff have undertaken Safer Recruitment training.
Designated Safeguarding Officer – Mrs Natalie Shaul
Deputy Safeguarding Officer – Mrs Kathryn Chesters and Mrs Julia Burns.
'Staff have a shared understanding of their responsibility to make sure that all children are safe, happy and exceptionally well cared for here.'
Ofsted 16
Parents are asked not to post photographs and videos of children in school or at school events on any social media site.
The online service, called Parent Info, will give parents the information they need to help them navigate the minefield of issues children can now face on everything from spotting the warning signs of self-harm, to having a healthy body image and managing money in a digital world. As well as giving them the confidence and support to speak to their children on such sensitive issues, it will also provide them with pathways for where they can go for more hands on support on specific issues.
Visit our computing page for more information for parents on staying safe.
Further information
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street