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C of E Primary School

Year 5 News 28.01.22

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In English this week, we have planned and written our 'Shared Writes'.  In our stories, our characters have been battling monsters and saving loved ones.  It was such a pleasure to read your creations.  You all tried hard to use the key features we have been learning about too. Well done team. 

In Maths, we have been looking at long multiplication.  We have mastered the layout and have been working hard on ensuring we do each step accurately.  We realised that it is very important to know our times tables as they are the key to completing this method successfully.  It is also important to be methodical and to not rush.  As the week progressed, our accuracy improved and many of us our now masters of this new strategy.  

For R.E this week, we recapped the Parable of the Talents. As part of our activity, we ordered pictures of the story and wrote our own caption beneath it. We thought about the meaning of the story and agreed that the message of the parable is that we shouldn't be afraid to share our talents with others. We discussed how Christians believe that our talents are a gift from God and we talked about how using our talents help us to bring God's kingdom down to Earth.

We took the next step in our Art lessons and practiced working with clay. We learnt how to create a pinch pot and a coil pot. We learnt how to use the slip and score technique to attached handles and decorative pieces to our work. It was great fun being able to experiment with the medium and tools. It has given us lots of knowledge for when we start to design and eventually create our Ancient Greek pots.

In French this week, we recapped the various names of foods that we had learnt before Christmas. We discussed the difference between masculine and feminine nouns and began to use adjectives to describe their size. We realised the the spelling and pronunciations of the adjectives change if the noun is masculine or feminine. We then played a game which meant we had to put our learning into a conversation. It was lovely to hear you all trying so hard with your pronunciations.

In PHSE with Miss Holland, you discussed loneliness and how people may feel when they are lonely. You talked about who could help you and who you could ask if you were ever lonely.  You also considered where you might feel lonely and what we can do to avoid feeling lonely.  Feeling lonely online came up as a discussion topic. Sometimes people who feel lonely go online to search for friendship. It is easy to gain 'friends' on social media and a high volume of followers, but it is important to remember one real friend is worth a thousand followers you don't really know.  After PHSE, you had P.E with Mrs Jenkins.  In P.E, you continued with your Health Related Fitness unit. After your warm up, you completed a circuit training activity. You discussed the different exercises, whether they were core exercises, cardiovascular or plyometric and looked at various alterations to make them easier or harder. You also looked at the correct action and form to make the exercises effective and to avoid injury. Then you completed the circuit twice. You finished off with some yoga based stretches to cool down.​

On Friday, Science and Computing were our focus.  In our Science lesson, we looked at the relative sizes of the planets by using different spherical objects.  We realised that Mercury is a tiny planet.  Did you know that if the Earth was the size of a grape, Mercury would be the size of a peppercorn and Jupiter would be the size of a basketball?  We found this task fascinating.  In Computing, we came to the end of our unit. In our unit we have learnt all about loops, conditional statements and how binary code works. In this lesson, we completed a final project. We had to use our knowledge to design a program. Some of us designed a dance app, some of us created a digital drawing whereas others designed basketball game. It was great to apply our skills and I loved listening to the computing conversations that filled the room as you worked through the project.

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend, 

Miss P

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