We have had a wonderful week in Year 5!
In English, we have been working hard to remember the actions and words of our model text which is all about Planet Earth. We will use the format and layout of our model text to help us with our writing next week. As part of our lessons, we have also learnt about the tools we will be using in this text and we have created our boxing up plan for our Shared Write. We have continued learning about complex, compound and simple sentences and we have used this knowledge to help us understand how to use coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.
In Maths, fractions was our focus. At the start of the week, we were ordering and comparing fractions. To do this, we have had to use our knowledge of converting improper and mixed number fractions. Towards the end of the week, we moved onto learning how to add and subtract fractions with the same and different denominators. We will continue learning about this next week.
During our afternoon lessons, we have also been busy bees. For R.E this week, we had a very special visitor. We were visited by Reverend Alison. She answered our questions about the Kingdom of God. It was so lovely being able to talk with her and she commented on how amazing your questions were! We then used this knowledge to answer our 'Big Question' about how Christians help to bring God's kingdom to Earth.
We had another visitor this week too. PC Nick came to see us on Tuesday to tell us all about how to stay safe when were out and about. This was a great reminder because now the nights are getting lighter more of us are playing outside so it's important that we know how to stay safe.
In our Science lesson this week, we learnt how day and night is created. We completed a mini experiment and realised that the explanation is really quite simple. When we face the sun, it's day time whereas when we don't face the sun it's night time. We also started our D.T unit this week. Our unit this term is all about textiles. We will be making our own cushions. How exciting. In our first lesson, we investigated the product (different types of cushions) and realised that you can have functional and decorative cushions. We talked about how a cushion needs to match its purposed and we discussed the sewing techniques we already know.
In P.E this week, you focused on throwing. You used a variety of small balls and bean bags to practise throwing over arm. You tried cricket bowling, standing throw, running throw and shot put. Once you had tried all of the equipment, you moved on to play 'Angry Birds.' You had different lines to throw from, some closer than others, each was worth different points. You had to throw tennis balls at a variety of balls balanced on cones. Some were on the floor, others on picnic benches at different heights. If you hit a ball, you scored points depending on where you threw from.€
In Heartsmart this week, you completed your HeartSmart unit reflection. To do this, you thought about how you show love for others. You then set yourselves some next steps. Once you had done this, you moved onto your next unit – 'Don't Hold On to What's Wrong!' The focus for this lesson was about forgiveness. Do we have to forgive? Why is it important to let the bad feelings out of our hearts? As a class, we discussed how difficult it might be to forgive our friends if they have been unkind towards us. We know that friendships have ups and downs and that these can be worked through. As we move through the lessons, we will become a lot more aware of forgiveness.
Finally, on Friday, we continued working towards our Courageous Advocacy project. At home, you have been busy creating posters to promote the 'Sunflower Power Challenge' that we are going to be running. We are going to be inviting the whole village to grow their own sunflower and the one that is the tallest winds. We hope to bring the community together and also encourage people to plant more flowers which will help the bees! The posters are already looking fantastic. In our lesson, we created PowerPoints to explain why it is so important that we save the bees. We are going to use QR codes to add these to our posters as we hope this will persuade more people to take part in our competition. We also completed the next lesson in our code studio project too.
I hope you are all have a wonderful weekend,
Miss P
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