In maths this week, we have been learning about decimals and have been using equipment to help us explore how decimals are a part of a whole. We investigated the link between fractions and decimals and then used this to help us play games and place decimal numbers on a number line.
In English this week, we have been exploring our Model Text. We unpicked the character's feelings and discovered how this story type – a wishing tale – takes the reader on a roller coaster of feelings. We have also been learning about modal verbs in our lessons. Modal verbs tell us how likely something is to happen. We have been identifying them within sentences and using them to write our own.
In Music this week, you continues practicing our Young Voices songs. You have also been busy learning the actions. We are getting very excited as the big day isn't far away now! In your P.E lesson this week with Mrs Jenkins, you practiced your badminton skills and even used them to have a mini game.
This week’s John Muir session was all about bees. This was perfect for us as it matches up with our courageous advocacy project. During our session, special guest Rupert joined us. He is a bee keeper. He brought down one of his hives and told us all about the different jobs bees have within the hive. He showed us his beekeeper suit and explained how the honey comb and honey is formed. It was fascinating to listen too. Did you know that bees dance as a way to communicate with each other. We even had a go at them which made us giggle. We also played some fun games and even got to taste some Wybunbury Moss honey. It was delicious! Yum yum.
On Wednesday, our focus was R.E. We have nearly came to the end of our unit on How A Mosque promotes the idea of one community. We learnt how the Islamic faith have different words to express their sense of one community and their belief in Allah also promotes this. We then use all our facts to create an information doodle. They look wonderful!
On Friday, we started another Study Work page. This page is all about the wonderful cushions we made last term. We worked hard to present our work neatly. We have got half way through which means we will add the finishing touches next week. On Friday, we also began our Geography unit. For our lesson, we focused on climate zones. We thought about what the weather was like in this country and then compared to other places around the world. We learnt that their are 6 climate zones on our planet and that we live in the temperate zone.
I hope you're having a lovely weekend,
Miss P
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