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C of E Primary School

29.04.22 Y5 Weekly News

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We have come to the end of another week. The time certainly does fly. This week we have been down to the moss, finished our Big Art and much more.

In Maths this week, we have been looking at fractions again. We learnt that finding a fraction of an amount gives you the same answer as multiplying a fraction. The method is different but you end up with the same answer! How interesting. We used this knowledge – and our knowledge of bar models – to help us answer some fraction based word problems. Finally, we completed our end of unit check so we are ready to start our new unit on decimals and percentages next week!

In English, we started our new Talk4Writing unit. This time, we are learning how to write a wishing tale. So far we have started learning the text and investigating vocabulary where we used iPads to find synonyms and antonyms of different words. We also wrote a poem this week all about what different people might see if they stood in a mirror.

On Monday, it was time for our next John Muir session. This session was our conversation task. We had to split in to two group so half of use went to the moss in the morning and the other half stayed in school. However, each team took part in the same activities so all of us got to experience the same exciting things. For the task, we had to preserve the land by removing trees. This involved cutting down trees by using loppers and saws! You worked together well and you did a great job using the equipment accurately and safely. Once felled, we then had to cut the trees into smaller chunks and put them onto the fire. You may think cutting down trees is a strange thing to do when conserving nature but it is very important on the moss because trees drink lots of water which means there wouldn't be a moss! As a reward for all your hard work, we got to toast and eat marshmallows at the end. Yummy!
We began our computing project on Tuesday. For our project, we are channelling our inner David Attenborough as we are creating a video about the rainforest. For this lesson, we used a range of websites to gather as much information as we could. We also did coding on Tuesday too. In coding, we are continuing to work on nested loops. In this lesson, we were drawing 2d shapes. We had to use our knowledge of angles to help complete the task.

IOn Wednesday, it was time for Big Art. In Big Art, we have been creating mixed media leaves! We started the project last week and we were able to finish it on Wednesday afternoon. To finish our leaves, we first added detail using oil pastels. This allowed us to mix and blend vibrant colours to make our leaves look more eye-catching. Finally, we used glue and tissue paper to give it a lovely shiny texture. The leaves are looking great! Well done, team.

In science this week, we have been learning how to separate materials. We recapped the different properties of materials we learnt last week and were also introduce to some new words like solutions and soluble. We then carried out 4 different experiments to identify the different way materials can be separated. It was lots of fun.

Finally, in R.E we learnt about what it was like to pray at a mosque. We then considered how a mosque creates and promotes the idea of community. We noticed it was very similar to the way a church does this.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss P

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