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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 9.9.22

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It has been wonderful to welcome Year 4 back this week, and what a busy week we have had!

We were excited to find out that our topic this term is the Vikings. We have begun reading the story The 1,000 year old boy, as a class. We were amazed to find out that the main character could live that long and still be a boy!

In English, we are learning how to write a story where a character defeats a monster. We began by playing different sentence games in teams. Taking part in a whole class role play activity enabled us to go back in time and recreate what it was like to travel on a long ship. One of our images this week depicts a freeze frame when the crew first discover there is a monster. We also worked very hard to write our own defeat the monster stories.

In our Maths lessons this week, we started our unit on place value. Our first lesson was about identify numbers to 1000. We used our knowledge of place value to identify the different value of digits in 4-digit numbers. We then moved on to recap rounding to 10. The class used number lines to round to multiples of 10. We also showed our timestable scores on Friday.

Our Geography focus this term is learning about the Americas. We now know that this refers to North and South America. Using a variety of maps. We learnt how to identify both continents and a range of countries. We discovered more about the United States of America and looked at the flag to show that there are 50 stars to represent the 50 states. We also enjoyed making a model of a world map which we are hoping to add to one of our displays.

Bonjour, Salut! Comment t'appelle tu? In French, we played a French game to recap our greetings. We enjoyed working as a whole class to rehearse, say and respond to questions

Year 4 were really lucky to take part in their first Forest School lesson this week. We had great fun exploring our outside environment and learning new skills. We will let the photos do the talking! .

We began our new music unit this week. Our task was to listen and respond to a 20th and 21st Orchestral piece of music. We had to think if the song told a story, if we liked the song, could we find the beat, and did this song remind us of anything. We looked at the names of musical notes and rests, and learnt the beat value of these.

Our Heartsmart lesson enabled us to recognise the importance of how we show love to ourselves, and to others. We were very knowledgeable about the Heartsmart Power on symbol, and we enjoyed printing our fingerprints to emphasise that we are all unique.

In Art, we were inspired by the work of George Seurat to create our own artwork. We are looking forward to practising these skills in our Big Art pieces. Before finding out the focus of our big art, we learnt facts about Viking shields. The children were asked to think about whether the statements were true or false. Surprisingly, all our facts were true.

In our computing lesson this week, we showcased what we already know about google slides. In pairs, the children were asked to create a google slides about themselves using the skills they already know. We will build on these skills throughout this term.

In our History lesson, the children were asked to showcase anything that they already know about the Vikings – presenting this information on a spider diagram.

Ebony from Sportscape joined us on Tuesday to teach our first PE lesson. We have also had PE with Mrs Jenkins, and our first Forest school session with Mr Hadfield. What a busy week.

We have set Maths homework on Maths.co.uk for this week. Please log in to see your tasks.

We are looking forward to another exciting week.
Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Pointon and Miss Welch.

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