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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 26.01.24

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In our Writing lessons, we began the week practising identifying plural possessive apostrophes and we recapped the key features of our non fiction report. We have now written our own report on polar bears. We have worked hard to showcase our knowledge of alternative pronouns, fronted adverbials, technical language and plural possessive apostrophes.

In Maths this week, we have focused on developing our knowledge of short multiplication. We have learnt about multiplying two and three digits by 1 digit. We have also focused on developing our knowledge of short multiplication. We have learnt about multiplying two and three digits by 1 digit. We have them moved on to learn about using basic division. We used base ten and counters to divide the tens and ones.

In our Reading lessons, we have enjoyed sharing our big cat and challenge books.

In spellings this week, we have been consolidating previous year group spelling patterns and recording these in our new spag books.

In PE, we took part in three different activities to build our skills within our game of Dodgeball. We worked quickly to dodge the balls and increase our speed of reaction when a team player called out different colours.

We have also begun our new Science unit on Electricity. We shared our prior knowledge as a written task and then went on to learn about different types of electricity and how different appliances are powered. We enjoyed thinking about the different appliances within our own homes.

During our computing lesson this week, we have started our unit on programming. Using our turtle programme, we have learnt how we can use a code to program the turtle to move. We found using a glossary useful to support our knowledge of code.

In our new unit of RE, we have thought about the qualities that are important to use. We reflected on people that God had asked to do special jobs. We thought about Mary, Moses, Elijah and Noah. We realised that God gave these people special jobs because they showed qualities which were important to God. We learnt about the story of Daniel being anointed and considered why God chose him. On love hearts, we wrote about those good qualities.

In our DT lesson this week, we have learnt that we will be making a Tudor purse. As part of our research, we explored different purses. We looked at the purpose of these and how they had been designed. We enjoyed looking at the differences between a variety of purses.

During our History lesson this week, we have learnt about the Tudor Monarchs. We have enjoyed learning lots of great facts through an active activity in class.

In French this week, we listened to the story of the Very Greedy Dog. We learnt about all the things to dog has eaten and learn lots of great vocabulary for food.

In our brass lesson, we learnt about the features of our musical instruments. We were shown how we are able to make a noise using our instruments. We were thrilled to be given our instruments and the opportunity to practise!

In our second PE lesson this week, we focused more on interception and finding spaces. We learnt about shadowing our partners, finding a space by moving on to free spots in a game and then taking part in a team game. We had to make 5 consequence passes before we had the opportunity to ‘score’. Which was one person standing in a hoop and receiving the ball.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we focused on being observant. We played the game ‘What’s missing?’ The children saw objects and then had to decide which had been removed. We talked about the importance of being observant of the feelings and actions of people around us. ‘Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and

We have continued to practise for YoungVoices this week.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set for this week.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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