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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 24.06.22

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In Maths this week, our focus has been learning about time. To begin with, we recapped the relationship between the units of time and explored this in relation to weeks, months, days, hours and minutes. We then converted times on analogue and digital clocks. There were lots of skills to remember so we played time games to help sharpen our skills. Towards the end of the week, we learnt about converting between 12 and 24 hour analogue clock. The children have started to understand that time continues from 12 to 24 hours but this is something that we need to continue to understand.

Our writing opportunities this week enabled us to get to know our model text and plan our share write. We rehearsed the text to then discover the key features of each paragraph. This helped us to build upon and adapt our new journey text. We have then planned our shared write and have then written the first two paragraphs: focusing on our use of relative clauses, fronted adverbials and characterisation.

We have continued to look at the firework makers daughter in our Reading time. We read a play script and looked at the main characters. Reading the text as a class helped us to analyse how Lila and Razvani feel about each other. Our class discussion generated lots of great responses to understand that Lila felt overwhelmed and intimidated.

We were able to research all about the river Thames within Geography this week. We followed the river from the source to the mouth and we were surprised to see how the river passes through lots of countryside, towns and cities. We followed the route using Google Earth and worked with our partners to find out which way the river flows.

In RE, we recapped our knowledge of the Puja, a Hindu worship. We looked at the keys items and thought about how people in the Hindu faith welcome people. We were presented with the word Namaste and explored what it might mean. We came up with so many thoughtful responses and so many reflected the true meaning – peace be with you.

In Design Technology we began our unit by looking at where our food comes from. We used a variety of topic words with food items. This enabled us to work out if cheese is processed, meat is reared and what fresh food is. We also learnt about the variety of food that is grown.

During our Science lessons this week, we completed our hot task. For this, the children were asked to recall the characteristics of living things (MRS GREN), whilst also explaining how to classify animals.

In our computing lesson this week, we made our own morphs as the starting point for the animations. The children used their morph to create small movements and took freeze frames of these to create small movements.

In our Art lessons this week, we completed our designs for our Batik. The children then drew their design on to their material. As the next part of the process, the children then dyed their fabric to be yellow. We have left these to dry ready for our wax resist process.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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