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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 20.05.22

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We are Guinness World Record Holders! To celebrate National Numeracy Day, we took part in a successful Guinness World Record attempt. TT Rockstars invited us to a live stream number roll activity, and we alongside thousands of other schools, took part to recall our number facts.

Our Maths lessons this week have given us the opportunity to compare decimals. We have been comparing decimals in different contexts using the < and > symbols. We drew upon our previous knowledge of tenths and hundredths to look at the value of each number when comparing prices and measurements. We have continued to move on to ordering decimals using our knowledge of each value of the digits. We then rounded decimals using numberlines to represent the whole number that each one decimal place number was closest to.

We have been authors in English to create our own wishing tale. We followed the process to plan our story and then set about applying all of our previous learning to write our own version. Within our stories, we included fronted adverbials, relative pronouns and speech sentences. It was lovely to read how you applied elements of our model text into your own stories. At the end of the week, we focused on editing our own writing through the feedback and comments that we had been given. On Friday, we then looked at another piece of writing which we will be focusing on next week to write another short burst focusing on using subordinate clauses. 

Within our reading lessons we explored the characters of Lila and Lalchand in more detail. These are the main characters within the story Firework Maker's Daughter. We looked at the text to retrieve key information and used this to compare their similarities and differences. We then looked at how Lila's feelings changed throughout her journey to Mount Merapi.

We were introduced to the topic of trade in Geography. To begin with, we drew a picture of what trade might be, and then used this to discover some new vocabulary related to trade. We learnt about what imports and exports are, and how trade can take place on a local, national and global scale. We acted out a trade deal and learnt that trade can be an exchange of goods and services, or an exchange with money.

We started our Science lesson with the question, what are wires made from? This enabled us to draw upon our knowledge of insulators and conductors from last lesson. We then moved on to learn all about switches. We had lots of fun investigating how a switch can open and close a circuit. Using a variety of homemade switches, we added them to our circuits to switch a light bulb on and off.

In our RE lessons this week, we have focused on the the importance of godparents in baptisms. We also explored the role of water within the ceremony. The children recalled stories from the bible which related to water. We talked about the amazing miracles God performs with water. We then discussed why water is used in a baptism. The children concluded that it is to symbolise being reborn into God's kingdom.

In our History lesson this week, we were archaeologists. The children were given statements about artefacts which were found during a dig in the 1900s. This gave the archaeologists much information about what life was like in the Shang Dynasty. We tried to use this information to predict what life would have been like for ourselves.

In our computing lesson this week, we learnt about using codes to create our own art work. We also were given the opportunity to add stickers and moving pictures. Following our code studio lesson, we had some research time. Each table was given a different element of the 1970s to research. We then used selected websites to find and draw information ready for our jubilee mood boards. 

We hope that you have had a lovely weekend. 
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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