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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 1.04.22

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We have had a fantastic final two weeks of our Spring term in Year 4!

In our English lessons, we have completed our hot write based on non-chronological reports. We then went on to plan a further report on castles. We planned this prior to writing it and it showcases many things that we have learnt as part of our history lessons. We also completed our Spring term reading assessment in our learning time this week. We then wrote our report on castles. Later on in the week, we moved on to recap our use of fronted adverbials. The children found examples of these in a piece of writing, wrote their own word banks of fronted adverbials and used their fronted adverbials to write a descriptive piece.

In our Maths lessons, we have continued to develop our knowledge of fractions. We have learnt more about Fractions Greater than One. Learning how to convert between a mixed number fraction and improper fraction. We have also started our second unit. We discussed the context and key vocabulary for this unit. We have then learnt how to add and subtraction fractions with the same denominator. We used a lot of fractions strips to help us to visualise these concepts. We continued to consolidate our knowledge of subtracting fractions further this week by making sure we had a secure knowledge of converting between improper and mixed number fractions. We then completed two lessons developing our problem solving skills for adding and subtracting fractions. This involved thinking more about what the question is asking and what method we should choose to answer it.

We have learnt more about habitats in our Science lessons. We went on an investigation into our school grounds to find the different insects and animals that lived there. Armed with our insect identification sheets, we explored the different species outside. We created a tally and wrote conclusion about the different insects we found outside.

In our Computing lessons over the last two weeks, we have been developing our google slide skills. We have created slides about elephants. Including, transitions, images from google, changing our format, font and colours. The children worked independently and saved their own google slides to our google drive.

In History, we showcased everything we had learnt in our history over the course. We completed our hot task. For this task, the children were asked to create a spider diagram with as much information they knew about the topic of Castles and Medieval Britain. The children were encouraged to think of all of our past lessons and use this knowledge to help them.

In our DT lessons, we began to hot glue gun our structure together. We worked in our pairs for this task. During this time, we realised the importance of our cutting skills. We needed each piece to be the same length and with a well cut end. We used sand paper to ensure our wood was able to join.

We also learnt more in our Art lessons this week. Following on from learning about the positioning of our facial features, we focused in closely on the features themselves. We learnt how to draw an eye, nose and mouth.

In our RE lessons, we completed our end of unit assessment. For this task, the children were asked to write to a non-Hindu and explain to them how Hindus describe God.

This week we have celebrated and learnt about First Aid. In our first session, we considered when we would need to apply first aid. We discussed the importance of keeping yourself self before giving first aid to a casualty. The children identified potential dangers within a first aid scenario. We talked about how we would be able to keep ourselves safe. We also learnt about how to make a 999 call. In our next lesson, we were visited by Mr Harrison-Blount. We had a fantastic session teaching us about how to place a casualty in the recovery position. These skills are really important and we are so pleased that the children were able to learn them. In our final session, we learnt about Asthma. We learnt about the signs to look out for for people suffering an Asthma attack and what we can do to help.

I am so proud of all of your achievements over the past term and I hope that you all have a lovely Easter break. I look forward to seeing you in two weeks time.

Miss Welch

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