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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Year 4! 7.1.22

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It has been a lovely couple of days returning back after the Christmas holidays. It has been so nice to hear about what you have all been up to and how you have celebrated Christmas this year.

In our English lessons, we created a recipe poem linked to our Christmas holiday experiences. Using imperative verbs, we collected our ideas to write one line each. We then reflected on the people who made our holiday special and wrote a letter to explain how their actions made us feel. We recapped the features of a letter and at the end of the lesson these were added to envelopes to send home. In our second lesson, we wrote our cold writes for our next talk for writing unit. The children were asked to write warning stories.

In our Maths lessons, we have continued from where we finished last term. We were focusing on our first unit of multiplication and division. In our lessons, the children developed their 7 times table knowledge. We learnt how to use numberlines to help us to count in 7s and used our related facts and fact families to work out a set of calculations.

Art has been a big focus throughout our week. We have been working on our big art project. Our Big Art project for this term has been inspired by Paul Klee. He is an abstract artist. He uses the phrase 'A line is a dot that went for a walk.' He also uses shapes to build objects and images. We explored each of Paul Klee's styles and then reflected on our favourite. We looked closely at the work, 'A castle in the sun'. We used this to inspire our work and we created our own castle art. We then explored how some of Klee's work was used in stain glass windows. In our lesson on Friday, we made our own stain glass window designs. Once completed, these will be placed on the windows of our classrooms.

For PE this week, our outdoor activity was orienteering. In groups, we worked as a team to find 20 control points. Each point gave us a letter which helped us to break the code and build the hidden words. The skills we had to demonstrate were: to have perseverance, communicate effectively, follow directions quickly, move with agility and most of all – have fun!

This week we discussed the amazing things our bodies can do. We each chose five things about our bodies we are grateful for, and the things these body parts can do. We looked at the way we can love ourselves and others by stopping the spread of bacteria. We then brainstormed our ideas to create a group song to remind others of the steps and about the importance of washing hands to stop bacteria spreading.

For our reflection on the unit – Don't Forget To Let Love In, we spoke about the learning we have done to help us to let love into our hearts. We had 60 seconds to write down many amazing things about ourselves before moving on to complete our end of unit self-assessment.

It has been a fantastic first couple of days back after the Christmas holidays. We look forward to sharing our stain glass art work with you when it is fully completed.

Miss Welch 

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