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Year 3 news 9.12.21

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In our maths this week, we have been recapping column addition and subtraction and then learning to exchange firstly practically and then using formal written methods. I have been so impressed with how well you have understood this and applied your new learning to your work. We also looked at early algebra, although we liked to call this 'crack the code'. You also requested this for homework too! Well done – it has been so lovely to see you all so enthusiastic about your new maths learning and applying it and explaining it so confidently to others. Well done Year 3.

It has been great to see four of you now with bronze awards for your reading challenge and so many more of you working towards your goal of bronze award. I know Miss Holliwell will be as impressed with your reading as I am. Keep up the great work.

In RE over the last two weeks, we discussed God's never ending love for us. We used a Möbius strip to illustrate this. It was a bit of a physical challenge, but we focussed really hard and had lots of success. Well done Year3. In our next RE lesson today we answered the question 'what is advent?' We discovered that advent means waiting, or coming in latin. Christians around the world are awaiting Jesus birth. The children made a reverse advent calendar. In each envelope there is a suggestion of something we can do for another person or someone less fortunate than ourselves. We have enjoyed opening these each day and trying our best to put into practise what we have read.

In Music this week we practised our Christmas songs and talked about the dynamics of a Christmas lullaby. We also listened to a piece of music by Tchaikovsky. We listened to parts of the nutcracker and talked about how music can make us feel. We said this piece reminded us of putting decorations up and rushing around in the Christmas period. The children in year 3 described the pictures in their heads that appeared when we played the dance fantasy ballet.... The Nutcracker!

In history this week, we learnt all about the famous warrior queen...Boudicca! We role played her story from history with dress up costumes and lots of involvement. We thought about why we remember her from history and why what she did was so important, back in history and also present day. We followed her journey and thought of different words to describe her too. We thought of powerful, brave, warrior, courageous and fearless.

In Design and Technology, we finished off our sewing creations. We evaluated our product, which was a game of 'Three Stones' (the Roman version of our well known game of Noughts and Crosses!). We compared our sewing to our first practise piece using binka and asked the questions what went well, what we found tricky and what we could improve next time.

We are all looking forward to next week's Christmas week full of Christmas fun!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.

Miss McCurrie 

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