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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News! 4.2.22

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What a fantastic week in year 3! 4.2.22

Another great week in year 3 filled with lots of fun and lots of hard work. Some of you have been at home but have still been working super hard in your home learning. Well done Year 3!!

On Monday in RE, we summarised the message of the sower and the seed, by talking, reading and collating our ideas ready to write a postcard to a friend explaining the parables to them. In maths, you created a pictogram from the tally chart you made last week. In music, you continued playing the glockenspiel learning new and exciting songs! In English, you practiced your spellings, learning all the different rules when adding a prefix.

On Tuesday, you continued your new multiplication topic. You explored how to divide using our 3 times table. You are a wiz at your three times table now! In English, you started to create a plan for your very own story. As a class, we developed ideas of what our characters might be called and what jobs they might have. This was super helpful when we started to plan our stories. For our HeartSmart lesson this week, we had to think about the difference 'letting love in' can make to a person. If someone decided to let love in, we thought they would: feel happy, be cheered up by receiving a gift (not necessarily a present) and they might smile more. To help us understand this further, we watched a clip from the Disney film Moana. Moana restores Te Fiti's heart and reminds her who she is. We learnt that being HeartSmart means letting people be close to us and letting them love us so that we can be who we are meant to be. Bible Reference: 'Perhaps you have been chosen for such a time as this.' Esther 4:14. To end our lesson, we listened to and sang the song – 'Power In Me.'

On Wednesday in maths, you showed me how well you can use your 3 times tables to answer both multiplication and division problems! This was super! In English, you finished your plans for your stories! This got me super excited to read them! In the afternoon, you explore more about the wonderful world of mirrors. We explained what happens when light hits a mirror and how this affects what we see. Then you used the IPads to explore coding and how important it is to understand which direction the character needs to go in. You made sure you checked how many times it needed to go a certain way.

On Thursday, in maths you moved onto the 4 times tables. This did not phase any of you at all! You have blown my socks off with how well you are working through these! In English, you edited your story planning to make sure it was ready to start writing. You then started to write your own story, hot write. You are making sure you include our targets; fronted adverbials, noun phrases and long and short sentences. They are fantastic so far! In the afternoon, we celebrated interfaith harmony week! We looked at the golden rules for 13 religions and created a piece of artwork to express what it is. These look wonderful!

On Friday, in maths we explored division using our 4 times tables. This was great fun! You used many different methods to help you get to the correct answer! You even checked your answers to make sure they were correct. Well done year 3! In English, you finished off your hot writes and you all have created some amazing stories. I cannot wait to read them all! You used your checklist to make sure you included all our targets. Well done! In the afternoon, you became historians and explored Ancient Egyptian artefacts. Around the classroom, there were lots of different pictures of Ancient Egyptian artefacts for us to explore. This was super fun and you wrote down what you thought they might show! Using all your ideas, you then created what you thought an Egyptian might look like. After this in art, you designed your own scarab beetle for our art project this term! Taking inspiration from pictures from google and my design. These look fantastic and I cannot wait to show you our next step!

I hope you all have a great weekend. Stay safe and keep doing your LFTs! I can't wait to see you Monday for another fun filled week of learning,

Miss Holliwell

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