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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 28.1.22

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Another great week in year 3 filled with lots of fun and lots of hard work.

On Monday in music, we used our music lesson today to re-learn the basics of the glockenspiel. We split into two groups and were successful in playing a two part piece. We recapped the parables that we had learnt about over the past three weeks. In RE, we finished by listening to and learning a song about 'The Parable of the house built on a rock.' Next week we are going to write to someone telling them of the messages that the parables hold. You also continued your new maths topic all about statistics, you explored tally charts and what everyone's favourite crisps are. In English, you explored conjunctions and how we can improve our sentences with different conjunctions. It has been lovely to see the conjunctions improving your writing.

On Tuesday in maths, we explored what happens when there are no ones or tens when exchanging and knocked onto the hundreds to exchange from there instead. This was super tricky but you showed me how well you knew your column subtraction! In English, together we completed our third paragraph of our shared writing. The griffin sounds super scary! After lunch we explored further into our light topic in science and explored the wonderful world of mirrors. You created secret codes which could only be read by looking through a mirror and as a class we created a maze to redirect light through the mirrors. This was so much fun!

On Wednesday in maths, you showed off how much you knew about addition and subtraction at the end of the unit quiz. I am so impressed with how well you have remembered the methods we had learnt. In talk4writing, you have written your fourth paragraph and shown me how your character defeated the griffin! These have been lovely to read. In PSHE, we discussed this in this week's HeartSmart lesson. In pairs, we organised words into two columns, one column for love is, and one column for love is not. We then came together as a class and discussed why we had made these decisions. Year 3, you were very grown up in your responses. Well done! Bible Reference: 'Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, is not selfish, and does not become angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love takes no pleasure in evil, but rejoices over the truth. Love patiently accepts all things. It always trusts, always hopes, and always continues strong. Love never ends. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

On Thursday, in maths you started your new topic multiplication and division. You explored the key vocabulary you need to know for this topic and you tried to identify when objects are in equal groups. In English, we finished our shared write. We checked our own work to make sure we included our targets; noun phrases, short and long sentences and fronted adverbials. In the afternoon, we explored coding in computing. You were trying to make a loop which could be repeated. You were so much better than me at this!

On Friday, in maths you explored multiplying by 3. You explored different ways of showing the three times table using arrays and grouping methods. In English, you had your editor hat on and edited your shared write story. Then, as a class we developed and explored different ideas that you can use in your own story. In history, you explored the River Nile and how important the river is to the Ancient Egyptians. In art, you continued to explore colouring mixing. This time with water colours. We created circles on the page and made light and dark colours.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I can't wait to see you Monday for another fun filled week of learning,

Miss Holliwell

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