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C of E Primary School

Year 3 News 21.1.22

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exploring lightre freezer framesheart smartscience darknessscience darknessscience darknessse safetylocating egyptcolour mixing

What a wonderful week in year 3 filled with lots of fun and lots of hard work!

On Monday in music, you tackled a very tricky piece of music, but you did not give up! You will keep practising and using your 'have a go' attitude! In RE you learnt all about 'The Story of The Sower and the seeds'. You created freeze frames to illustrate the message behind the parable of the sower and the seed. You also started your new maths topic all about statistics, focusing on what you already know about pictograms. In English on Monday we explored adjectives and different synonyms for angry, happy, sad and scared. You came up with some great words which will look amazing in your own writing.

On Tuesday, you started the day with exploring adding of two 3-digit numbers using the column method without exchanging. This was a step up from what you did last week but you all blew me away with how well you worked. In English, you recapped what a noun phrase was and explored expanded noun phrases. You identified the different noun phrases and expanded noun phrases from the model text. In the afternoon, you had a mini maths lesson to see how well you could remember all the skills you had learnt over the last week. In science, you have continued to explore our topic light and started to explore what complete darkness is like. I broughtblack outa sheet in so you could see what complete darkness looked like. You then explored what could be seen in darkness and told me that you need a light source to be able to see things in the dark.

On Wednesday, in maths you explored column addition of two 3-digit numbers, this time you had to exchange numbers over. This did not trick you though and again you blew me away with your amazing maths skills. In English, you started to create a plan for your own story about defeating a monster. Unlike my story, your monster was a Griffin, a Growling Griffin! I cannot wait to see how these stories turn out. In the afternoon, in HeartSmart your lesson title was 'Wear it with pride'. We offered each other encouragement by sharing what we like about the people on our tables. Sharing how these comments made us feel was an important part of the lesson, as being HeartSmart is about learning to accept the encouragement given by others. Bible reference: 'Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. Thessalonians 5:11. In PE, you continued to explore your Egyptian dances.

On Thursday, in maths we moved onto subtracting two 3-digit numbers. Again this week you have blown my socks off with how well you can use column subtraction to help you work out subtraction questions! In English, you finished your plan of your own story about defeating a monster and the plans look amazing. I cannot wait to read the finished story! In the afternoon, we played a few maths games to check that we had solidified the knowledge we had learnt in our maths lessons this week. In computing, we explored how to stay safe online and explore what we need to keep private and what we can share with strangers online.

On Friday, in maths we continued to explore subtracting two 3-digit numbers using the column method with exchanging. In English, you started to write your very own defeating the monster story. They have started off amazing. We are making sure we include lots of fronted adverbials, noun phrases and long and short sentences to make our writing super interesting. In the afternoon, you explored where Egypt is and what it might have looked like when the Ancient Egyptian empire was there. You also explored why the River Nile might have been so important to the Egyptians. In art, this week we then explored what mixing colours may make. This was super interesting and fun to see what wonderful colours you can make.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I can't wait to see you Monday for another fun filled week of learning,

Miss Holliwell

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