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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 29.3.22

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What a good week in year 3! We have started a new topic in maths, discovered what Sophia was wishing for in T4W and much more!

On Monday, in RE we learnt how to find a bible verse using the contents, the chapter and the verse. We looked at the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and then found one of the most famous verses in the bible ~ John 3:16. We then learnt this verse in sign language to illustrate that the bible is the most translated book in the world. Year 3 have started a new unit this week. We looked at some gospel style songs that can be sung in a round and played our glockenspiels using F,G,C,A and Bb. We noticed that Bb on the glockenspiel is A#. In the afternoon, you spent some time going through our spelling booklets all about the -ly suffix. You then practiced your joined up handwriting. Next, you did your cold task for our new science topic all about plants. After this you then did a mini maths lesson where we practiced your times tables.

On Tuesday, in maths we had our last lesson on multiplication and division. We were problem solving. Then we had our hook for English. I had put flowers on your tables and you had to think about how that might have made you feel and then you had to Imagine life without the flowers. We then started to learn our story map. In the afternoon, we studied the famous quote by John Donne – 'No man is an island.' We discussed what we thought it meant, and why this quote is so famous. We agreed how working as a community and being part of a community is more beneficial than being alone. So many of us are part of more than one community. A few examples are: our families, football teams, church, school and the community we live in. For us to be HeartSmart, we need help from others to help us succeed and be the best we can be.

Bible Reference – 'Later, when Moses' arm became tired, the men put a large rock under him, and he sat on it. Then Aaron and Hur held up Moses' hands – Aaron on one side Hur on the other. They kept his hands steady until the sun went down.' Exodus 12:17. You also had tennis and you practiced keeping the ball in the centre of racket.

On Wednesday, in maths you did an end of unit quiz to show me how much you can remember your formal multiplication and division methods. In English we focused on your story map a bit more and then learnt all about prepositions. We used the prompt sheets to help us write sentences about flowers which included a preposition. In the afternoons, you explored the different parts of a plant and their functions in science. You had time on the iPads for TT rockstar. Then we even had an E safety lesson about cyber bullying and what we can do if someone is saying something mean online.

On Thursday, you started your new unit in maths all about fractions. You learnt what a denominator and numerator was and what a unit and non unit fraction was. In English, you learnt what a simile is and how to use them in your writing. Your challenge was to use a like simile and you all smashed it. Well done year 3 you're all as smart as an owl! In the afternoon, you practiced our story map. We almost know all of the story now. In history, I introduced our new topic all about technology! You created a time line of all the historic creations and put it into order from oldest to newest. You asked a lot of questions and realised I wasn't born when the first fridge was created.

On Friday, in maths you focused on fractions to a whole and how many parts we need to make a whole. In English, you learnt the rest of our story map and now we know all about Sophia's journey to create a city full of colour and flowers. Then we learnt the rules of using commas in list and after fronted adverbials. You then created your own sentences using commas in lists and after fronted adverbials. In the afternoon, you had a recap session in PE to remind us what the rules were for hockey and how to hold the hockey stick correctly. You then had mini hockey games against each other. Then I introduced your new art topic about still life. You using your sharp pencils to sketch a still life based on the flowers from our classroom.

I hope you are all having a lovely long weekend! Homework is set on maths.co.uk as we are still trying to master multiplication and division. See you on Tuesday for another fun filled week!

Miss Holliwell

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