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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 27.5.22

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I can't believe it's May half term already!

In maths this week you have explored equivalent fractions using a fraction wall to compare fractions. You answered a variety of questions using fraction walls and number lines!

In English, you revisited speech marks. You had a picture of 2 people in a park and had to write their conversation. You also wrote up different bits for study work!

We finished our research about all about the 1980s exploring the trends, games, technology, fashion and cars which came out in the 1980s!

In history, you explored the history of cameras. I bought in a variety of old cameras and you explored how different they are to our cameras today! Especially, phone cameras!

In RE, you created 2 questions for a Christian visitor based around love, forgiveness and kindness and comfort, guidance and inspiration.

This week in PE has been consolidation week. Our lessons involve us leading our own learning while recapping the skills we have learned throughout this half term's topic. We take out a variety of equipment to use. We had tennis and badminton rackets, sponge and traditional tennis balls, large soft balls, hoops, cones and shuttlecocks. We also took several nets out and had them set at different heights for tennis, badminton and volleyball.

For our HeartSmart lesson this week, we were learning how to build trust between friends, as well as the effects of a betrayal of trust. To show our understanding of trust, we designed our own label for a marble jar. This was based on showing how an act of showing trust will fill the jar with marbles, and how a betrayal of trust will see the marbles being removed. Bible Reference – 'Love does not count up wrongs that have been done.' 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

In Science, you explored what happens after a plant has germinated and a flower fertilises and becomes fruit! You created a story board of each stage.

This week we celebrated the jubilee by creating our mood board all about the 1980s! You also did lots of word searches and coloured in different pictures of the queen. You also attended our worship all about the jubilee singing songs from all the decades and the national anthem. Of course we sang 'Fame' and you all projected your voices so everyone could hear!

Homework over half term is to complete any missed homework on maths.do.uk, keep reading, TT rockstars and practice year 3&4 spellings to keep you going! Please share on SeeSaw anything exciting you have been getting up to!

I hope you all have a fantastic May half term! I cannot wait to hear all about your adventures!

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