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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 18.3.22

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Year 3 have been so busy this week with all their super learning! 

On Monday, In RE you looked at how Jesus' friend Peter felt when he denied Jesus three times just as Jesus said he would. We listened to the story again and then using drama, hot seated being 'Peter' ~ the rest of the class asked Peter questions about why he had done what he did and what was he going to do next? We will find out next week. In music this week we looked at the life and music of Andrew Lloyd Webber. We watched clips of some of his music and thought about how it made us feel and why they are so successful. In the afternoon, you started British Science Week off with a great start. This year's Science week is all about 'growth'. You drew what you thought a scientist might look like. We shared our ideas of different types of jobs scientists have. This was super interesting! Then you created an acrostic poem about 'growth' Then you recapped your times tables by watching the times table songs. This really helped us to remember them for this week's maths. 

On Tuesday, you started the morning off with Book Club. We read the non fiction text about Tutankhamun and we had to be archaeologists and try and figure out what happened to his tomb! In maths, you continued to multiply 2 digit and 1 digit numbers! You worked so hard on this year 3! In English, you completed your boxing up for your shared write all about the River Nile! You used the ipads and facts that I had found to gather information! In the afternoon, you explored different Ancient Egyptian scientists and looked into Egyptian medicine! You created a booklet all about this. Then in PE, you have been little athletes! Your PE lesson focused on jumping and different ways to jump! 

On Wednesday, we continued to explore Tutankhamun's tomb and jotted down our thoughts about what we think happened in the tomb. In maths, you moved onto the formal method for multiplying 2 digit and 1 digit numbers. This was super tricky to start with but you soon got your head around it. Well done year 3! In English, you finished off your boxing up and made sure you had included all information needed for your shared write. In the afternoon, you had an assembly about stick insects. You explored the different climates there are in the world in geography. In computing, you focused on sequencing and how changing an algorithm changes what happens to the angry bird. You are all so good at computing year 3! 

On Thursday, you created a conclusion to what happened to Tutankhamun's tomb. You decided that from the clues Tutankhamun's tomb had been robbed twice before Howard Carter discovered it! In maths, you further explored the formal written method for multiplying a 2 digit and 1 digit number. In English, you edited your boxing up activity to ensure it included all the key information needed. You then started to write an information text all about the River Nile. In the afternoon, you completed your science booklet all about Ancient Egyptian Scientist. Then we went outside and completed our 'tree trouble' experiment from the British Science Week booklet. This involved exploring the tree as a habitat, as the tree grows, living things grow around it. We explored very hard but unfortunately we did not find many living things growing around our trees in the school field. Then you explored the different body parts in French! 

On Friday, it was comic relief! In book club you explored what happens in the afterlife in Ancient Egypt! You used the text to help you decide if a statement was true or false. In maths, you solidified your understanding of the formal written method for multiplication. Some of us focused on getting the method perfect and others moved onto challenging questions which pushed us to think deep about how the method works! In English, you finished off your shared writing all about the River Nile. I cannot wait to read these this weekend. In the afternoon, you created paper versions of your moveable gods and goddesses using your design and template to help you! These look wonderful. In PE, you were introduced to my good old friend the hockey stick! You learnt all the safety rules that you need to think about when using the hockey stick. You learnt 2 new hockey skills of how to move a ball using the stick and how to stop the ball using the stick. 

Well done year 3! Another busy week complete! This week's homework, again, is maths focused as we need that extra help to solidify the formal written method! It is set on maths.com. Have a wonderful weekend and I am looking forward to seeing you all on Monday! 

Miss Holliwell 

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