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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 15.7.22

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And just like that our last full week together is over. It has gone so fast! I hope you have all been keeping safe and have enjoyed this lovely sunshine over the weekend.

Over the week, we have explored many different spelling rules such as suffixes to prefixed. You added dots and dashes to which phonics sounds were in the words. You explored what happens to the word when you added the prefix or suffix.

We had our RSE lessons this week, where you looked at the differences between male and female bodies. You explore the scientific language and what makes us unique. We then explored different family types and how all our families are different. We then looked at the acronym PANTS to understand that our pants are private. Using this acronym we explore unwanted touch and how it is always ok to say no. You also explored who you can go to for support.

We spent lots of time finishing off different things for our study work books. You used your best handwriting and presentation skills.

In DT, you spent the morning designing, creating and eating your very own sandwich. I think you can all make your own lunches over summer!! You practiced spreading the butter, grating cheese and carrot and chopping of a variety of vegetables! You all seemed to really enjoy your sandwiches and we definitely had some full children on Wednesday.

In the afternoons, you completed a summer booklet looking at a variety of different writing skills.

In Science this week, you also labelled all the different bones in the human skeleton. You all did so well as it was definitely a tricky task to do! At least we had our 2 skeletons to help us (I’ve forgotten their names). You also explored how muscles can help us do all our tasks. You explored the question of ‘Do Some People have stronger muscles because they use them more?’ and went outside and did as many burpees as you could in 2 minutes.

See you tomorrow for our last 2 days together! :(

Miss Holliwell

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