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Y3 News 11.2.22

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Another great week in year 3 filled with lots of fun and lots of hard work. It is so nice to have almost a full class back this week!

In English this week, you have been using your editing skills to edit and finalise your hot writes. This is a tricky new skill you are trying to learn and you all did great at it. You explored what coordinating conjunctions are and watched a super fun video to help you to learn each of them. FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet and so) was the best way for you to remember each one. On Wednesday, you watched a historian going into an ancient Egyptian tomb and created a mind map of what was in there. After that, you added adjectives to the mind map and you came up with some fantastic adjectives. On Thursday, using the mind map you created you wrote a short two paragraphs imagining you were going into a tomb. I really enjoyed reading these. On Friday, you explored what prepositions were and used them to create sentences about Egyptian gods.

In maths this week, you have continued to master your 3s, 4s and 8 times tables. Each lesson you have watched the times table songs to help you with your times tables and you have become super at these. On Monday, you explored the 4 times table and practised multiplying and dividing by 4. On Tuesday, you moved onto the 8 times table which was a big step up but you all smashed it. You were multiplying by 8 and you used different strategies to help you with this such as arrays, counting in 8s and numberlines. On Wednesday, you were dividing by 8 using strategies such as grouping, counting in 8s and sharing the number into 8 equal groups. On Thursday, you were exploring multiplying and dividing in the 8 times table. In the lesson you needed to decide if you were multiplying or dividing before you completed the question. You were using all of your skills and worked so hard. On Friday, you explored problem solving using the 3, 4 and 8 times table. You put together all your multiplication and division skills and strategies to help you work through these. You all did a great job.

In the afternoon this week you have explored many different things. You have explored this years 'safer internet day' theme of 'All fun and games? Exploring respect and relationships online'. You watched the film and completed the quiz. You did amazing as we got 10/10! You then created respectful relationships recipes which were wonderful to read. They really show what lovely children you all are. In our HeartSmart lesson this week, we discussed what we are grateful for, and why. We are grateful for so many things. We could have carried on writing all afternoon! We created a paper chain with our thoughts of gratitude. It was nearly the width of our classroom! Bible Reference: 'Praise the Lord! Thank the Lord because he is good. His love continues forever.' Psalm 106:1. In Science this week, you have explored shadows. You explored how shadows are formed and then you did an experiment exploring how they change when the light source gets closer or further away. In computing, we had an unplugged activity to do this week. You explored what an event was and how it impacts the game. You become controlled by what I pressed on a virtual controller which was super fun. Then it was your turn to control your friends on your table, making them do different actions. This week you have had two History lessons! Your first lesson was on if the Ancient Egyptians were religious or not and you explored the Ancient Egyptian creation story. The second lesson was about mummification and you learnt the step by step instructions of how to mummify a Pharaoh! In art this week, you have started your final project and drew out two scarab beetles in preparation for painting them next week.

I hope you all have a great weekend and I can't wait to see you Monday for another fun filled week of learning,

Miss Holliwell

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