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C of E Primary School

Y3 News 10.6.22

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Wow our first week of our last term is over!

In maths this week, you have problem solved in your money lesson with Mrs Swan by adding and subtracting different amounts. In fractions you recapped working out fractions of amounts and we are all wizzes at this now. You compared fractions using a fraction wall. You also added and subtracted fraction! You have all been so busy!

In English you have created some beautiful study work pieces. You created a recount of what you did to celebrate the queen’s jubilee.

In science you created a news report all about what happened to our plants and how much they grew.

In history you worked in groups to create posters about the future of different forms of technology such as communication, internet, cameras and much more.

In geography you were introduced to our new topic of settlements and renewable and non renewable energy.

In Art, you sketched your outline of your grey or red tree ready for water colours next week.

In music this week you started to perfect our two part glockenspiel piece that plays along with Bringing us together we also started to learn a medley of Beatles songs.

In RE we discussed needs and wants and how farmers need to be paid fairly for what they grow. We discussed whether there was anything we could do in year 3 to help with fair trade.

In our HeartSmart lesson this week we were learning how to recognise and challenge stereotypes. We spoke about how we are all different and all have different interests and talents. Us being HeartSmart means not putting people in boxes and involves us taking time to get to know them, find out what they are like, celebrate the things that unite us and also the things that are different.

Bible Reference – ‘Love does not count up wrongs that have been done.’ 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

In PE, you practiced your Town Sports skills in readiness for the main event. We recounted the techniques involved our field events of javelin- transferring our weight from back leg to front to add power to our throw, high jump- running a curved approach and a straight leg, and long jump- bringing our knees up high. Also our track events of hurdles- staying low over the hurdles and keeping in our stride, bean bag- picking up whilst turning, sprint and relay- focussing on the end of the track and reaching out with the baton. You also started a new unit all about tennis focusing on controlling the ball.

Homework this weekend is set on maths.co.uk!

I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and are ready for another fun filled week of learning!

Miss Holliwell

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