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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly newsletter

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We have had a brilliant week in school. You have been mini habitat explorers, writers and PE superstars.

In English this week, you have been writing your finding tale based on the Bog Baby. You created your own character that could live in Bluebell Woods and thought about how you could describe it. Your stories were fantastic and was super to see how many lists we had, apostrophes and even expanded noun phrases. You are all super writers!

In maths this week, you have been continuing your topic around money. You have been adding different amounts, finding out how to make amounts using coins and finding how much change you can get from certain amounts. You have built up so much knowledge over this topic.

In computing this week, you have been looking at using directions on a bee bot. You recapped what an algorithm was and what type of technology needs algorithms. You then used the forward, backward, left turn and right turn to move your paper beebot around the mat. You then built upon these skills by using them on the beebot app on the iPad. You were very good at using algorithms.

In history, you recapped farming in the Stone Age and the industrial period by completing a history quiz. You then looked at farming today and how much is has changed. You found out that there are three main types of farms: arable, domestic and mixed. You thought about the farms you had visited and what sort of farms they may have been. You learnt that certain areas of our country are better places for certain farms. In the wetter areas there are more dairy farms because the cows like munching on the fresh grass. In wales there are more sheep farms because the area is more hilly.

In science this week you were mini beast hunters. After your previous work last week on habitats in the world and making dioramas out of them you moved onto learning about micro habitats. You found out that micro habitats are smaller habitats (under a rotten log) found in a bigger habitat (woodland). You went out into the Y1 garden to investigate different micro habitats. You then described what they are like and what sort of animals live there.

In PE this week, you learnt how to be attacked and defenders. With James you carried on your football skills and it was lovely to see some of you receive a certificate for showing determination and resilience.

In RE this week, you carried on exploring the different stories that show how Jesus healed and blessed others with the power of God. We listened to the story of the paralysed man. You thought about how he felt before, how the people in the house felt, what the crowd were thinking and the man may have felt after being healed. You wrote all of your ideas down in our class RE scrap book. You then chose a story to re- tell and act. These were very good and you really understood all of the people in the stories.

In art, you learnt about Marela Zacurius who is an American painter. You explored her different techniques and what colours she likes to choose to use in her art work. You created some visual notes about her in your sketch books.

It was lovely to catch up with your parents over the last two weeks and to be able to share all of your achievements in Y2 so far. Thank you so much to everyone who came.

Homework has been emailed out. Have a wonderful weekend!

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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