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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly newsletter 21.06.24

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We have had a very art week in Year 2 this week and created some fantastic creations.

In English this week, we started our new story ‘Rosie Revere Engineer’ and we are thoroughly enjoying this story. We were given a clue box at the beginning of the week, which had a spanner, pencils, ruler, tape measure and screwdriver in. You thought carefully about who these items belong to. We then found out about our character Rosie who was an engineer. “What is an engineer?” Many of you asked. We have looked at all of the different inventions that Rosie had come up with including her cheese copter. We looked at how Rosie stayed resilient throughout the story especially when her creations didn’t always work first time. You have wrote a poem about Rosie and even wrote some very breath-taking character descriptions about her.

In steps to reading this week, we have read the story of Grandpa’s garden and answered some comprehension questions about.

In maths this week, we have started our new topic on statistics. You learnt what a tally graph, table and block diagram is and created and interpreted your own data. We have even managed to fit in two maths quizzes into this week and I am just amazed how well you all did and the perseverance that you showed. I am so so so proud of you team!

We began this week’s HeartSmart lesson by doing some meditation. This enabled us to rest, gather our thoughts, and be ready for our main learning task. This task saw us learn how to find alternative solutions to a problem. We looked at various traffic road signs and what they mean. Using this knowledge, in pairs we drew our own road maps. This was to show how sometimes there may only be one way, or we may feel there is no way we can solve problems. However hard things may seem, there is always a way through, or at the very least, another route for us to take. This lesson links to the bible reference – ‘Remember the Lord is everything you do, and he will show you the right way.’ Proverbs 3:6

18.6.24 Year 2 – Music Lesson 2 – No More Dinosaur This week in our music lesson, we listened to a song called ‘No More Dinosaur.’ This song reminded us that dinosaurs are extinct. We loved how this song was a mix of Pop, Rock and Hip-Hop styles. This song links back to how dinosaurs roamed the earth. A few us have a real interest in dinosaurs and it was lovely to share some facts.

This week you carried on with tennis. We worked in pairs throwing the ball to our partner who returned it with a tennis racket and we tried to catch it on the return (although that was very difficult). After that we tried to work independently on our racket skills and attempted to bounce the ball on our rackets whilst standing still then whilst moving and then whilst turning our rackets over and over – it was very tricky. Finally we tried to get a rally going with our partners.

We continued to look at the United Kingdom in geography this week as you labelled our map with the four countries, the seas, channels and oceans that surround our country. We then took an adventure to Edinburgh, which we found is the capital city of Scotland. You learnt the key characteristics of Edinburgh and Scotland by looking at different photographs whilst finding out that some men wear kilts to formal events and the bag pipes are a Scottish instrument. You then looked at some of the landmarks around Edinburgh and luckily Miss Haynes could share some of her adventures around this city. You then chose one landmark as your favourite and did some research about the meaning behind the landmark and why it is so special. What fantastic geographers you have been again this week Year Two.

When have you had to say goodbye? How do you feel when you say goodbye? This was our hook into our new RE learning this week as we looked at the ascension of Jesus. You found out that this took place 40 days after Easter and it is a very special moment in the Christian calendar as it the day when Christians remember Jesus returning to heaven for the last time. We looked at some very famous artwork from some artists that showed the ascension using their own imagination. You then thought about what is the most important part of the story of the ascension. Afterwards, you were inspired to create your own artwork to shown the ascension and I was completely blown away by what you had produced. These were beautiful!

In DT we looked at a new mechanism this week which was the wheel mechanism. You found out that all wheel mechanisms have to have an axle so that they can move round and round. You thought about what might have a wheel mechanism and we came up with a long list of things like rollerskates, tractors and even rollercoasters. You were then very busy for the rest of the afternoon creating your own wheel mechanisms to show where different animals live. These are wonderful and you had so much fun creating them!

On Friday, you were all rule breakers as you came into school with tattoos, crazy hair, bracelets and your own clothes. You all looked fantastic and helped to raise a lot of the money for the RSPCA. Thank you to our school council for setting up this event.

School photos were taken on Monday and if you want to buy one the children have gone home with the slip. Homework will be emailed out too.

All that is left to say is have a fantastic weekend team superstars! I hope the sun is shining for you all.

I will see you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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