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C of E Primary School

Year 2 weekly newsletter 14.06.24

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Another week has flown by in Year Two and once again you have been working hard.

In maths, this week with Mrs VR you have been learning all about position and direction. You completed the whole unit in a whole week, which is just incredible. You have looked at the language of position and direction and what it means. You learnt what the direction of clockwise and anticlockwise is and even made some patterns by using shapes. A huge thank you to Mrs VR for teaching you such brilliant maths lessons this week whilst I was administering the phonics screening check with Year Ones.

In reading this week, you have worked hard on reading with fluency and expression. It was lovely to complete some reading assessments with you and see so many children move up to lime books. Keep up with this amazing reading at home too.

In English, you finished off your banning narratives with your last two paragraphs. I thought these were fantastic when I read them all through and I could see how hard you worked on using your Year Two SPAG. Once we had finished our narratives, you sat with your editing partner, edited any mistakes, and up levelled your language to make your stories sound even better! In our spelling lessons towards the end of the week you focused on two spelling rules. Your first spelling rule was words ending with –ly and your second was the rule of using ‘kn’ ‘gn’ for the ‘n’ sound. You have got some spagtastic homework on this so you can keep practising.

In computing this week, you have excitedly created your final music piece. You picked an animal that you really liked and created a piece of music on this animal. You thought about how this animal moves/ sounds like and how you can change the pitch on your music to show this. We then saved our pieces of work and shared them with the class where they had to guess the piece of music we have created. We have really enjoyed our time on Chrome music lab!

What did Queen Elizabeth 1 do to help Nantwich during the great fire? The children learnt that Queen Elizabeth gave the people of Nantwich £1000 to help rebuild the town. The children found out that other towns and cities came together to also give money and Queen Elizabeth allowed the town to have wood from royal forests including Delamere forest. The children thought about how the people of Nantwich would be really thankful and from our research they found out that they wrote a poem and put it on a plaque that can still be found now. The children looked at some pictures of buildings that were rebuilt after the fire and can still be seen now! The children then created a comic strip on the whole event of the Great Fire of Nantwich.

In Geography this week you recapped what landmarks were and what your favourite landmark is in Wybunbury. It was lovely to hear your responses of why they are your favourite. Leo said that Wybunbury Delves School is his favourite because he feels like he is in a community when he is there. Issy said the Church is her favourite because she gets to see it on her way home from school. You then completed some fieldwork outside on the field. We used our senses to explore Wybunbury Delves School. You drew what you could see, wrote what you could hear all around you and then also wrote about what you could touch and smell. You really enjoyed being in the outdoors and taking your environment in. Well done geographers!

In heartsmart this week, the minion taught you how to be safe in the sun. You found out that the sun is very powerful and radiates invisible UV rays that can damage your skin. You thought about what you might need to do to protect yourself when it is sunny outside during the summer and spring. You then watched a video where the minions told us about 5 very important rules. You then had one of the rules on your table and you had to create a freeze frame to go with it. The rest of us then had to guess your rule! Brilliant sun safety skills team!

This week we have introduced tennis to year 2. We worked in pairs throwing the ball to our partner who returned it with a tennis racket and we tried to catch it on the return (although that was very difficult). After that we tried to work independently on our racket skills and attempted to bounce the ball on our rackets whilst standing still then whilst moving and then whilst turning our rackets over and over – it was very tricky. Finally we tried to get a rally going with our partners.

In DT, you recapped what a moving mechanism was. You thought about how had made a sliding mechanism last week and the steps you took to make it. This week you learn about a new mechanism.which was a lever mechanism. You thought carefully about where we might see lever mechanisms around our school e.g. scissors, door handles and even wheel barrows. You made some wonderful lever mechanisms of a fish jumping out of the water. You had so much fun being creative!

In RE, you completed your questful maps to answer our question of ‘ Why is the church a special place for Christians?’ You had some lovely responses!

For our courageous advocacy and work on protecting the world, I have made some children that have worked hard this week our ‘garden gang’ who have been helping to pick up any fruit peelings and put them in our compost bin.

Homework has been emailed out for this week!

Have a wonderful weekend team and well done for working so hard this week!

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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