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C of E Primary School

Year 2 Weekly News: 4.3.22

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What a fantastic first week we’ve had back in Year 2 after half term. This week has seen us become scientists, fraction finders and think about forgiveness and its role within religions

In English this week, we used one of our five books to give us ideas for report writing. We used ‘’Bob’s Best Ever Best Friend’’ and looked within the books to find all the aliens within the book. We thought about what a non-chronological report looks like and focused upon the features of them. We spent the week thinking about our subheadings and completed a number of short burst writes which included questions, adjectives, apostrophes and of course, neat handwriting. We finished the week by designing our own aliens and planets and will spend next week writing up our hot writes about our particular aliens and planets.

In Maths, we continued to think about fractions this week. We continued to investigate the relationship between the numerator and denominator and used games, songs and practical activities to do this. We looked at halves and quarters and by the end of the week we were even finding fractions of amounts. We will carry this into next week where we will be looking at ¼, ¾ and word problems.

We also spent time taking part in a number of worships throughout the week. Our favourite was on Thursday when we got to go to our house teams. We spoke about peacemakers and the role they can play in lots of different situations.

In Computing, we finally managed to finish our Google Slides project. It was fantastic to see you all using the tools needed to create fantastic presentations. You were able to add slides, images, backgrounds, fonts and templates. Well done, Year 2!

In R.E, we started to think about our new big question around forgiveness. We thought about what forgiveness is and discussed lots of our experiences with forgiveness. We looked at pictures and talked through how forgiveness is a really important part of life. We then asked the question of “Why is forgiveness important?” – It was great to hear your answers of how forgiving people is a part of life and makes us better people. We will continue our investigations into forgiveness and its role in Christianity next week.

In Science this week, we continued our new unit on everyday materials. We recapped how materials can be used for lots of different purposes and thought about why this was. We built upon our science walk around school and noted down which materials/objects we found. From this we completed our first experiment. We discussed the word “absorbency” and had been asked by Vanessa (our midday assistant) which paper towel was best for wiping up water. We designed our own experiment and thought about what we needed to keep the same and what we needed to change. We completed the dangly strip experiment and wrote up our results and findings as well.

In Geography, we started our new unit on countries and continents. We recapped all the word we had done in Year 1 and then set out thinking about the world’s continents and oceans. We completed a series of stations including a huge world jigsaw, atlas work and games. By the end of the lesson, we could confidently talk about the 7 continents and 5 oceans.

On Thursday, we all took part in world book day. You all looked amazing in your costumes and outfits. I loved hearing about your character and books too! We completed a book scavenger hunt and of course spent time reading our favourite books throughout the day too.

To end our HeartSmart unit, we reflected on ways to let love into our hearts. We shared times when someone had said a kind word to us, or carried out a kind action. There were lots to share! We then shared – the best thing about us. We know how important it is to remember the kind things people say about us. Bible Reference: ‘The second command is this: Love your neighbour as you love yourself.’ Mark 12:31

We also began a new unit too in this week’s lesson – Too Much Selfie isn’t Healthy! After watching Boris the Robot tell us how important we are, we learned that it is important to show love to others, and make them know how important they are too. We thought about whether it is better to give, or receive. All of us felt giving was the best choice as this helps strengthen our hearts. Bible Reference: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Mark 12:31

Have a lovely Sunday,

Mr Dale

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