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C of E Primary School

Year 2 Weekly News: 28.1.22

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Another week, another five days filled with learning, laughing and fun. This week has seen us become legendary litter pickers, wonderful warning story writings and superb Google Slides creators...

In Reading and Phonics we continued to recap key sounds, spellings and practised our comprehension skills. We also continued to leave lots of book reviews – a fantastic effort!

In English this week, we finished our T4W unit around our warning stories. We planned a new story based upon our model and shared text ideas. We spent the week planning, writing and editing our stories. They were so brilliant to read! They were full of capital letters, full stops, apostrophes, correct spelling and super neat handwriting. Everyone worked so hard and I was very proud to see your work pay off as you all wrote stories that were fantastic to read. Well done, team!

We also practised our letter formation and handwriting throughout the week, as well as having a big focus upon Year 2 spellings, keep working hard!

In Maths, we started the week by completing a multiplication and division quiz. It was great to see everyone answering lots of questions and in doing so, using your methods of bar models and times tables to help you. We then got stuck into our brand new unit on statistics. We talked through the new unit's vocab and firstly thought about tally charts. We learnt how to use tally charts and even created our own. This led us to think about pictograms. We learnt why and how they are used. By the end of the week, we realised that pictogram pictures can represent different numbers. We will take this learning forward with us into next week. On Friday, we used SeeSaw to create pictograms of our own. Check them out!

In Art, we continued our investigations into the artist, Vincent Van Gogh and his Starry Night artwork. We all planned and created our own adaptations on the famous artwork. We thought about the colours and techniques we could use to build our pictures. Everyone used a range of oil pastel skills including pointillism, blending and long strokes to create their artwork. Well done. 

In History, we continued our unit all about the space race and famous astronaut, Neil Armstrong. We discovered more about his life and placed the important events along a timeline. They look fantastic in our History books and we will use these next week to think about the space race.

In Computing, we started our new project work. We were introduced to Google Slides and spent time getting used to the interface and tools within the programme. We built simple PowerPoints and used a range of tools including text input, shape input and adding new slides. We will build upon our learning next week. 

In French, we built upon our knowledge of counting to 10. We completed a game against the clock in which everyone had to play their part and say a number to 10. It was great fun and we will carry this on throughout the term! 

We also spent time taking part in a number of worships throughout the week. Our favourite was where we thought about what gifts we have and how we can use them for good. We also spent lots of time this week actively taking part in our courageous advocacy cause of littering. We now have a rotor for litter pickers and each break-time/lunchtime we are busy picking up any litter we see on the playground. Well done!

In R.E, we continued our brand new BIG question of "Why did Jesus teach his disciples to pray the Lord's Prayer: 'Your kingdom come?" We recapped the values we spoke about like last week including faith, freedom and trust. We once again thought about why these values are important within God's Kingdom. 

For our HeartSmart task this week, we created an acrostic poem of our names by using adjectives that describe us best. We know how important our names are, and how they show us more about who we are and how valued we are. Bible Reference: Now this is what the Lord says..."Don't be afraid, because I have saved you. I have called you by name, and you are mine."Isaiah 43:1

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale

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