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C of E Primary School

Year 2 Weekly News: 25.3.23

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Another busy week has flown by in Year 2...

During our reading this week, we continued to build upon our inference skills. Inference involves using our background knowledge and clues from the text to make predictions or draw conclusions about what is not explicitly stated. We used pictures as a tool to practise our inference skills and answer a range of questions, such as what characters might be thinking or feeling in a given situation. Additionally, we also took part in phonics activities to strengthen our reading skills and also completed reading assessments. A huge well done to you all!

During our Maths this week, we wrapped up our unit on fractions. We spent time using the "numerator" and "denominator" and tackled a variety of questions related to this topic. In addition, we finished our assessments in arithmetic and reasoning, and it was wonderful to see how confidently you all approached a range of problems. We also had a strong focus on improving our times tables skills using TTRockstars. Specifically, we worked on becoming fluent with our 2, 5, and 10 multiplication tables. Keep it up, team!

This week in our English, we focused on word classes, specifically nouns, adjectives, and verbs. We used seesaw, to research different habitats and added descriptive adjectives to them via voice notes. We also wrote setting descriptions for a variety of habitats using the adjectives we had brainstormed. We even had time to complete our SPaG and spelling assessments. What a busy week!

During our happy mind session this week, we continued with the "Relate" module. We spoke about how we relate differently to different people and focused upon the importance of active listening. We practised this through eye contact, smiles, nods and asking questions to show the other person we were listening to them. 

During our R.E lesson this week, we continued with the Resurrection unit. We recapped the Easter story and used our lesson time to break down each important day. We thought about Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday. You were all fantastic and explained why each day is important to Christians. This will help us in undertaking our assessment art piece next week. 

We had a very busy time in P.E this week. We had three sessions in total. On Thursday, Cerys came in and helped us compete in a range of wall and net games. Whilst on Friday, we completed another cricket session with Harry. It was fantastic to see your throwing, catching and teamwork skills on display. 

In DT this week, we started our new unit on cooking. We looked at a vegetable soup recipe and worked hard to reorder it. We then looked at different cutting techniques, of which we will use to create our vegetable soup during our theme day. How exciting!

Pulse 1,2,3,4...chicken and chips and mushy peas!! Well, we loved this music lesson! Working in pairs, we acted out the pulse and the rhythm. We laughed, clapped to the syllables, and had a thoroughly good time!

During our Geography lesson this week, we completed our assessment piece. We decided to use our UK song as a basis to write our own song. We included lyrics about villages, towns, cities and of course used parts of the UK to help with our chorus. I loved reading your songs. Well done, team!

Mr Dale

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