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C of E Primary School

Year 2 Weekly News: 21.10.22

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And just like that our first half term together has finished. We've achieved so much this week and even managed to visit the church for our R.E lesson.

During English this week, we completed our hot writes. We had one final message from our astronaut who asked us to remind him how he washes his hair in space. We used all of our new knowledge to create a set of fantastic instructions. We included full stops, capital letters, imperative verbs and even adverbs. Fantastic work!

We continued to also spend lots of time this week working on our handwriting. We thought about boat, sun and sea letters and where they sit on the line once again. Well done! We also started to focus on some joins this week too. We looked at boat letters and arm joins. We also focused upon washing line joins!

In Phonics and our reading sessions this week, we continued to recap a range of sounds and spellings. Well done, team. It's also been great to see so many book reviews this week too, please keep it up!

In Maths, we continued to build upon our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We continued to look closely at the column method this week. We used the method to exchange our tens and work out some tricky problems. Well done team!

In our fifth MyHappyMind session, we recapped the three parts of the brain. We recapped all of our previous learning and noted this down in our journals. It's great to see you all thinking about how your brains are working in different situations.

In P.E, we completed sessions with Mrs Jenkins and Ebony. With Ebony, we continued to build on our football skills and continued to take part in a series of mini games.

We were busy in this week's music lesson! We continued with reading rhythms. This time we came across a new note – a minim (to-e) worth two beats. We are getting really good at this job. After a few practises, we recorded our final space chant. We think it's amazing!

In R.E, we completed our assessment question of "What do Bible stories tell us about God?" For this special lesson, we headed to a special place – St Chads. We completed our assessment task down the church and it was great to see you all thinking about the different parables. We thought about all the words that Christians think God is like. What a fantastic experience.

Throughout the week we have taken part in a number of worships. On Friday, we listened to Year 6's courageous advocacy worship. We loved hearing about their amazing work with the charity Blue Cross.

In History, we thought about Black History Month. We learnt all about Martin Luther King, his story and the power of words. We were shocked to discover that black people used to be treated differently and had some very grown up discussions about this. We finished by thinking about MLK's powerful words and how these words could help us in our own lives.

For our sixth HeartSmart lesson this term we created a food plate. We spoke about the importance of a healthy diet. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

We also started our own courageous advocacy mission this week. We learnt all about the problems caused by littering and from this, decided to make posters to help stop littering once and for all. We headed down into the village to stick up our posters for all to see. We also set up a litter picking timetable with children working hard to keep school clean. A fantastic effort, team!

Have a lovely half term,

Mr Dale

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