Another busy few days passed us by last week in Year 2. We achieved so much and had lots of fun along the way...
In English this week, we completed a short unit on instructional writing. Throughout the week, we spent time looking at the features of instructions and thought about real world examples. We also became the teachers and used our editing skills to correct Mr Dale's work. Once we understood the features of instructions we got to work on writing our own. We used a video we had seen before as out stimulus. We watched a real life astronaut brush his teeth in space and wrote instructions to go alongside this. We included adverbs, imperative verbs and time words to ensure our instructional writing. Well done, team!
In Phonics and Reading we continued to answer a range of comprehension questions and build upon our phonics knowledge through a range of sounds.
In Maths, we finally finished our fractions unit this week. We ended our unit by looking at counting in halves and quarters. We used our fraction knowledge to help us answer a range of questions, whilst we could also spot patterns within number lines too. We also completed our Maths assessments this week. We worked hard to answer a range of arithmetic and reasoning questions. Well done!
We also spent time taking part in a number of worships throughout the week. Our favourite was on Thursday, where we once again got to enjoy our house worship with all our friends.
In Computing, we used our time to focus upon research. We researched our scientist for the week, Mae Jemison. We used Google search to find out all about Mae's amazing life and why she is so inspiring for so many people. We ensured we used safe search terms and found the best websites to help with our research fact files.
In R.E, we continued to think about our big question around forgiveness. This week saw us focus upon the term ''confession''. We thought about what it means to confess and gave examples of where we've all confessed in the past. We thought about the emotions that come with a confession and how you often feel worried before a confession but more often than not relieved after a confession. Well done!
In Science this week, we took time away from our everyday materials unit to focus upon Science Week 2022. Our theme this year was growth and we had such a fun time exploring that this week. We started by thinking about what we think a scientist looks like. We mostly drew men in white coats. However, we quickly smashed the stereotype as we found out all about Mae Jemison and other amazing scientists! We also completed experiments across the week including slime growth and an investigation into growing your own space alien from mars! On Wednesday, we enjoyed an assembly all about stick insects. We then had a session with the stick insects where we used apps to picture and label them – what great fun!
In music this week, we used the percussion instruments we had voted for previously, and decided – when and how to play them. We know our Lumps and Bumps song needs to be sung from our chests; making it low in volume so the instruments need to compliment the song. We trialled them to begin with and they were given out to those of us who wanted to play them. Timing was key. This is something we need to work on, but we will definitely get there!
What a fantastic week,
Mr Dale
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