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Year 2 Weekly News: 16.9.22

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Our second week of learning has seen spaceship crashes, alien messages and some very interesting little critters...

During English this week, we have certainly been kept on our toes as strange goings on have occurred each day in Year 2. It started on Monday when we all wrote an alien story. The next day we saw a huge crash site on the playground. We plugged the broken computer from the crash into the computer and saw two videos. One was of an enormous spaceship in the sky and the next was it crashing to earth. There was a strange locked box too. We decided to learn a new alien story with actions and chants. The next day we had to find the key to the box. Inside were 32 small quiet critters. They hate sound and we have to be super quiet when they are out of their box. What a fantastic present from the aliens. We spent the rest of the week completing a series of short burst writes around capital letters, full stops and capital letters whilst also learning the rest of our story too! I can't wait to start planning our own story next week.

We also spent lots of time this week working on our handwriting. We thought about boat, sun and sea letters and where they sit on the line. Well done!

In Phonics and our reading sessions this week, we continued to recap a range of sounds and spellings. Well done, team. It's also been great to see so many book reviews this week too.

In Maths, we continued to build our knowledge of place value. We used a range of two digit numbers to compare and order this week. We used terminology such as tens, ones and columns to help decide which numbers were less than or greater than. On Friday, we had a practical lesson whereby we did lots of practise of counting in 10s. We used cubes, balls and even the counting sticks!

In Art this week, we continued to focus upon Van Gogh's starry night. We discussed his style further and practised swirls and turbulent flows that make up his famous painting. We used blending, short stroke and long strokes to help us build our own versions. They look brilliant!

In P.E, we completed sessions with Mrs Jenkins and Ebony. With Ebony, we honed our football skills and worked in pairs to perfect our passing!

In R.E, we continued to answer our big question of "What do stories from the Bible tell Christians about God?". We recapped what Chrisitians feel towards God and how God makes them feel. We produced some super sentence work!

Throughout the week we have taken part in a number of worships. On Wednesday, after listening to Mrs Chesters, we all wrote what we were thankful for on leaves – what great reflection time!

In Computing, we had a lesson all around online safety. We were introduced to characters to help us to stay safe online. "Listen to your head, be kind with your heart" was a message throughout the lesson. We also spent time on Interland spreading the love with our hearts. It's important to be kind online.

What a great start to your Year Two music journey! You moved along to the pulse with our onscreen characters and pulled your funny, big and small giraffe faces! This always makes me smile! Whilst listening to the song 'Music Is In My Soul' you were musically creative. You drew pictures to represent what the music made you think of and how the music made you feel. You then shared these with the class.

For music this week, we listened to and appraised a piece of music called Bolèro. It was written by a French Composer called Maurice Ravel in 1928. We learnt that a Bolèro is an old type of dance that comes from Spain. We drew pictures to show how this music made us feel. We then learnt how to sing 'Music Is In My Soul.' We thought it was amazing!

Have a fantastic Sunday,

Mr Dale

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