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Year 2 Weekly News: 11.3.22

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Another brilliant week in Year 2 has passed us by and once again we've managed to fit in so much...

In English this week, we finished our report writing unit. We all completed our hot writes and produced some fantastic reports. We planned our aliens and their home planets whilst thinking about the possible subheadings we could use for our reports. Within our writing we included commas in a list, capital letters, full stops, adjectives and so much more! Well done, Year 2.

In Phonics and Reading we continued to answer a range of comprehension questions and build upon our phonics knowledge through a range of sounds.

In Maths, we continued to think about fractions this week. We thought about the relationship between ½ and 2/4 and used pictorial representations to help us understand equivalent fractions. We also focused on making the whole this week, we combined practical activities with our Power Maths learning. Throughout the week, we completed a range of arithmetic and reasoning questions based on a number of different topics including fractions, addition, multiplication and statistics.

We also spent time taking part in a number of worships throughout the week. Our favourite was on Friday where we joined Year 6 for their worship. We found out who won the house cup and congratulated Harry who won the World Book Day spoon competition. Well done, Harry!

In Computing, we took time to think about online safety. We learnt all about the traffic light system. We found out that we all have a traffic light in our head that alerts us to danger when online. Green means go to sites we trust. Yellow means slow being safe is a must. Red means stop. We spoke about a range of websites that may be red, yellow or green and thought about the steps we take if we stumble across a yellow or green site. Well done at staying safe, team!

In R.E, we continued to think about our new big question around forgiveness. We recapped what we thought forgiveness is and discussed lots of our experiences with forgiveness. We then watched the story of the red bee. In the story, the red bee didn’t forgive and it made him angry and upset. We discussed times where we’ve all been red bees from time to time and what we can do to not be a red bee. We then thought about the lord’s prayer and focused upon the part about forgiveness. We put the phrase “forgive us our trespasses” into our own words and interpretations.

In Science this week, we continued our new unit on everyday materials. We recapped how materials can be used for lots of different purposes and thought about why this was. We used this week’s lesson to think about the suitability of different materials. We used this opportunity to have fun and combined objects with materials that would never ever work! For example we had “metal trousers, paper spoons and wooden windows.” We used our knowledge of properties to explain why these materials wouldn’t be suitable for their intended purpose.

In Geography, we continued our new unit on countries and continents. We once again started with a range of songs, atlas work and the huge puzzle to help better understand the 5 oceans and 7 continents. From this, we completed a world map – remembering all the various continents and oceans. We then played a game where we had to match up the shapes of the continents to the continent names. Everyone was so great at doing this, well done!

Secret Kindness Agents in year 2! Yes, you read that right! We are going to be looking for opportunities to do something kind for others. Boris has asked us to carry out secret acts of kindness. We need to write these actions down and post it into our secret agent file in our classroom. Mr Dale and Miss Holland will then share these with Boris. I wonder how many acts of kindness we are going to be able to do! Bible Reference: ‘Your giving should be done in secret. Your Father can see what is done in secret, and he will reward you.’ Matthew 6:4

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale

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