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Year 2 newsletter 12.01.24

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farming topicmaking toolstoolsenglishre

Welcome back Y2 and happy new year to you all and your families. 

We have enjoyed hearing all about your Christmas holidays as we kick started our first English lesson with you completing an independent write about your favourite Christmas memories. These were lovely to read through! On Tuesday we then started our first English topic which is about the story of the Bog Baby. You found a habitat that had been made in our classroom and you had to predict what animal was living here. You then were introduced to the story of the Bog Baby and you really enjoyed exploring all of language in this text. You even completed a descriptive poem on the Bog Baby and used expanded noun phrases to describe what the creature looks like. These were fantastic. 

In maths this week you finished your topic on shapes. You learnt about 3D shapes this week and discovered how many vertices, edges and faces each shape had. In mastering number you focused on your teen numbers and you used your rekenreks to find out what you add to 10 to make each of these numbers. 

On Monday, you were immersed into our Spring term topic of farming. Your first history session took you back in time to find out when farming had first started. You were amazed to find out that it had happened in 4000BC during the Stone Age. You created a timeline so that you could see how long ago this actually was. Then through an art and history lesson you found out some of the old historical farming tools that were used during this time and how they were used. You then created these using clay. Next week, you will paint these so they can look realistic.

During your computing session this week you finished your topic on digital photography. You learnt how to edit a photo that you had already taken. You learnt how to put a different coloured hint on a photo, how to change the brightness and saturation and even how to turn a photo black and white. You really enjoyed editing different photos to see how much you could change it. You then had a look through different photos that photographers had taken and you had to guess whether they had been edited or not. This was really tricky and we found out that good editing can look very realistic.

In RE, you thought about our big question of How does Jesus welcome everyone. You looked carefully about the story of when Jesus welcomed the children and he blessed them. You found out that children were not seen as very important during these times and that the disciples tried to stop the children from being blessed but Jesus said that the kingdom of God welcomes everyone. You then created some beautiful artwork on Jesus blessing the children. 

In science, you started your topic on living organisms. You learnt that a living organism has to do all 7 things for it to be alive. You learnt what these were by learning about the acronym of MRS GREN. You then created some fantastic posters so that you can remember what 7 characteristics of a living organism is. You then found out that animals (including humans), plants and bacteria are all living. 

It's been a fantastic first week back and you have all settled back into our school life beautifully. I am so proud of you all! Your maths homework has been put in your bags for you to complete this week. 

Remember next week you have got sports hall athletics on Wednesday! An email has been emailed out about this. 

Have a wonderful weekend superstars,

Miss Haynes

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