This week has been another brilliant week in Year 2. We have all worked hard throughout the week and have produced some fantastic work along the way.
A big focus for us this week has been anti-bullying and the messages behind this. We talked about what bullying means and read a number of stories that related to this. We also completed the crumpled heart activity. This involved being mean to our paper hearts on more than one occasion. We did say sorry, however our hearts couldn't be straightened out and the creases remained. We spoke about how this is a little bit like bullying. The words and actions of a bully will have lasting effects.
In English we used our model text as a vehicle to help us with our planning. We each boxed up the different parts of the story and thought about our new characters and storylines. You all had such fantastic ideas and were able to write some brilliant amazing stories all about a journey tale. We made sure to think about our targets and we included lots of contraction words as well as thinking about our commas in a list. It was awesome to see you all using your super neat handwriting and even some joins during your writing time.
In Maths we continued to look at money. This week's or as fine equal amounts of money this meant that we had to realise that 20p could be the same as two 10ps. We used this information to answer a range of power maths questions as well as some tricky reasoning problems. We also completed a practical shop activity this week, with children paying for sticks with a range of different coins. Throughout the week we also continued to build knowledge of arithmetic questions and the best methods to answer these.
In our Heartsmart session, we thought about our new unit all about "Don't forget to let love in". This week saw us focus upon our own strengths and how these make us all unique. It was brilliant to see your "What Am I Good At?" lists. "Love your neighbour as you love yourself. Mark 12:31"
In MyHappyMind, we continued to think about how our brains work and the amazing things it can do. We celebrated the amazing things our brains do every day this week and highlighted examples in our journals.
In Computing, we once again used Google Slides to perfect our presentation skills. We built upon our knowledge this week by saving images from the internet and uploading these to our presentations. We spoke about the online safety rules we need to follow when browsing the world wide web. Well done, team!
In R.E this week we had a special visitor. Of all the people in all the land, King Herod turned up in our classroom. (definitely not Mr Dale dressed in a crown and robe!). We used this opportunity to hot seat Herod and ask him all about his role in the Christmas story. We quickly found out that King Herod felt threatened, scared and nervous about the arrival of the baby king.
In P.E with Hayley, we completed a dance session and got ourselves moving. Well done, team!
Throughout the week we took part in a number of worships. Our absolute favourite was Friday's as we got to watch Y4 tell us all about their courageous advocacy mission. Did you know their focus is all about mental health and how to improve this across school? How exciting!
In Science, we continued to think about everyday materials. We used play dough to think about how things can be squeezed, pulled, squished and even be bended. We completed a short investigation and wrote up our findings afterwards. We then moved on to think about how different materials can be recycled and how this process works. For example, to recycle glass it often has to be heated up first.
We also started practising our Nativity story this week. You were all brilliant at thinking about stage directions and speaking loudly during your lines.
Have a lovely Sunday,
Mr Dale
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