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C of E Primary School

Year 2 News: 11.11.22

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Another fantastic week has passed us by in Year 2. I can't wait to tell you all about it.

In English, we started a new T4W unit all about a journey tale. We got straight to work on learning our new model text after we had written our cold writes. Our new targets include apostrophes for contraction, commas in a list and rereading our work to ensure it makes sense. The story map has helped us to learn the structure of the story and we have completed a series of short burst writes around this too. I can't wait to start planning our own versions next week.

We continued to also spend lots of time this week working on our handwriting. We thought about boat, sun and sea letters and where they sit on the line once again. Our focus this week was on washing line joins to sun letters.

In Phonics and our reading sessions this week, we continued to recap a range of sounds and spellings. Well done, team. It's also been great to see so many book reviews this week too, please keep it up!

In Maths, we started a new unit on money this week. We got to grips with remembering the different coins and notes. We thought about the different values between them. We then had lots of attempts at counting notes and coins together. We remember to count the notes first and then our coins, starting with the largest values. You have worked so hard this week on this new concept, well done!

In R.E, we spent time thinking about our brand new BIG question. We thought about what happens when a new baby is welcomed into the world. We listened to Miss McCurrie talk about how her baby was welcomed with gifts, visits and special items. We thought about another special baby born at Christmas time and spotted the similarities. We thought about what gifts we would have brought to Baby Jesus.

In our MyHappyMind session for this week, we continued our new unit of "Celebrate". We thought all about how amazing our brains are and how we can use our brains in a positive way.

In Science this week, we continued our new unit on everyday materials. Miss P taught us all about the suitability of materials this week. We thought about our previous learning and recapped the science words we have learnt. Absorbent, transparent and rigid were all discussed. We then thought about which materials were most suitable for building a house. We designed our own houses whilst thinking about the suitability of different materials. Well done!

In Computing, we continued to build skills in our project on Google Slides. This week saw us upload multiple images and also multiple slides. We took photos of different colours around our classroom and organised them into different slides. You were fantastic and quickly logging on and working in teams this week.

In P.E, we completed sessions with Mrs Jenkins and Ebony. With Hayley, we continued to build on our football skills and continued to take part in a series of mini games.

Throughout the week we have taken part in a number of worships. On Friday, we love listening to Year 3 share their message about helping with the way we think about plastic. Thank you, Year 3!

In PSHE this week, we completed our second and third drugs and alcohol lessons. We looked at a series of labels on different bottles, quickly realising that these labels help to keep us safe. We looked at lots of items we can find around the house that can cause us harm. These included: tablets, bleach, matches and knives. We all know that we mustn't touch or go near these items. On Friday, we took the time to look at a series of hazard cartoons. We were fantastic at spotting the different hazards!

Have a lovely weekend,

Mr Dale

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