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C of E Primary School

Y2 Weekly News: 14.10.22

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Another busy week has passed us by in Year 2...

During English this week, we completed the innovation stage of our T4W unit. Last week saw us receive a message from an astronaut who had bumped his head and had forgotten how to brush his teeth! We stepped up to the challenge and produced a fantastic set of instructions for him to follow. We focused upon capital letters, full stops and imperative verbs. Some of us even challenge ourselves by including adverbs into our writing too. They were fantastic and on Friday we were sent another message asking for our work to be copied up in neat so that they could be sent up to space for him to read!

We continued to also spend lots of time this week working on our handwriting. We thought about boat, sun and sea letters and where they sit on the line once again. Well done! We also started to focus on some joins this week too. We looked at boat letters and arm joins. From this, we were able to join letters such as ai, ea and even dy. Well done, team!

In Phonics and our reading sessions this week, we continued to recap a range of sounds and spellings. Well done, team. It's also been great to see so many book reviews this week too, please keep it up!

In Maths, we continued to build upon our knowledge of addition and subtraction. We looked closely at the column method this week. We used counters to ensure we understood the maths behind the method and moved onto exchanging 10 ones for 1 ten! We had lots of fluency practise of this too – keep it up, Year 2!

In our fourth MyHappyMind session, we recapped the three parts of the brain. This week saw us focus upon how happy breathing can help us in certain situations. We each thought of a time whereby happy breathing would have helped us to stay calm and focused. Super brain work, team!

In P.E, we completed sessions with Mrs Jenkins and Ebony. With Ebony, we continued to build on our football skills and even managed to complete a mini tournament this week. We also had lots of children from Y2 taking part in the KS1 Football Festival at Crewe Alex. You were all great!

We continued with our space chant in music. Our ideas and choice of rhyming words were included from last week. To help us create a good rhythm for saying the words, we clapped the syllables of each word. We then agreed on accompanying actions and practised these. To end our lesson, we added space pictures to match each chant line.

In R.E, we continued to answer our big question of "What do stories from the Bible tell Christians about God?". We looked at a new story this week and the hidden message behind it. We started by building cube towers, we had two attempts at this. In our first attempt, we were able to use the table as a foundation. This made building our towers strong and stable. However, for our second attempt, we had to use our wobbly hands as our foundation. The towers were unstable and more likely to fall over. We linked this to the parable of the two builders. We then thought about what makes our own foundations strong. We spoke about family, friends and school. We also thought about how Christians might see God as a part of their foundation. We finished by drawing our own houses and writing underneath what makes our foundations so strong – well done!

In our Computing time this week, we continue to build our coding knowledge. We started with an unplugged activity where we each coded a character with an algorithm. This character was another person! We then moved onto code studio and transferred our knowledge when coding our sprites. We used coding blocks such as north, east, west and south.

Throughout the week we have taken part in a number of worships. On Wednesday, we thought about what were were thankful for and created a really cool graffiti poster to show this off!

In History, we continued to focus on our unit all about Neil Armstrong and his life. We used this lesson to focus on the rockets of the space race and we were able to talk through why each rocket was so important. We finished by using the app – Apollo MoonShot to visit the moon and see Neil Armstrong up close and personal.

For our fifth HeartSmart lesson this term we created a love map. It illustrated all the people most special to us and how they can have a positive impact on our own lives.

Have a lovely Sunday,

Mr Dale

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