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C of E Primary School

Y2 News: 25.11.22

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Another fantastic week has passed us by in Year 2. We've all worked hard and had lots of fun throughout the week...

In English we completed our hot writes. It was amazing to see you all thinking about your writing this week. We made sure to include full stops, capital letters, commas in a list and even contraction words using apostrophes. Well done! We each wrote a journey tale with our characters blasting off up into space. We thought about what they could see, what activities they did and which planet they visited. They were so great to read. A fantastic effort, Year 2!

In Maths we started a new unit on multiplication and division. We started off by thinking about equal and unequal groups. We grouped items into groups of 2s, 5s and 10s. From this, we were able to step count to quickly work out how many items we had. Next week will see us move onto arrays and how we can use these to help us recognise fact families.

In our Heartsmart session, we thought about our new unit all about our heart cubes. We made our very own heart cubes and thought about all the brilliant things we are good at. We looked at our achievements that we have already accomplished in Year 2 so far.

In MyHappyMind, we finished our celebration unit. We thought about our own character strengths, as well as thinking about other people's own strengths. It was great to hear you thinking about what other people are good at.

In P.E with Hayley, we completed a series of athletics activities linked to Sportshall Athletics. We worked hard to complete the speed bounce and relay races. Well done!

Throughout the week we took part in a number of worships. Our absolute favourite was Friday's as we got to watch Y1 tell us all about their courageous advocacy mission. Did you know their focus is all about saving the trees? We will definitely look after our trees from now on!

In Science, we continued to think about everyday materials and thought about how different surfaces are better for our roads. We completed a prediction and then tested several surfaces using toy cars. We all agreed that tarmac was the best! We also complete our assessment on Thursday. We were able to put down our key thoughts from all the new knowledge we now know.

We also continued practising our Nativity story this week. You were all brilliant at thinking about stage directions and speaking loudly during your lines. Keep it up!

This week in music, we recapped the parts of the recorder. We found it a bit tricky to remember that our left hand needs to be used to play the top half of the recorder and our right hand needs to be used to play the bottom half. In order for us to make a good sound on our recorder, we had to think of four main things. These were: use warm, slow air; think 'two not who'; have a good posture and 'leaks equals squeaks!' We definitely discovered the squeaks a bit!

Have a lovely Sunday,

Mr Dale

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