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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Welcome to Y2- 8.9.23

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We have had a fantastic first week back at school in our new Year 2 classroom. I am so proud of how beautifully you have settled in to our new rhythms and routines. In our first week we have completed so much learning already.

In English, you started your first day by creating your very own time capsule that you will get at the end of the year. You were then introduced to our new English story 'The river'. We have slowly been immersing ourselves into the story by revealing certain parts. You have been making predictions and asking questions to the girl in the story. You have also learnt what a noun phrase is and describing the picture using these. In our sentence accuracy starter you have started learning a Y2 SPaG focus by adding the suffix -er and -est to adjectives.

In maths, we have started our new power maths work on numbers to 100. This revisits and builds on to a lot of our Y1 learning. You have delved deep into your power maths learning with ease. We have even created a huge 100 number square on the playground where you had to work altogether to write the numbers in. This really helped you to think carefully about how you write certain numbers. You are all fantastic mathematicians!

In your afternoon learning you have been introduced to your new topic of 'toys and games'. You started this topic by making your own string puppets to hang on our display. You learnt that this is a toy that was first played with in the Roman times but the doll would have been made out of clay.

In history, you learnt about modern toys that you play with now. You learnt that modern toys are mostly made out of plastic, they are made in factories and a lot of them are electronic and have batteries. You grouped and classified a range of toys on your tables and even discussed what your favourite toys were.

A material hunt, you say? In science this term we are learning about the uses of everyday materials. We revisited our Y1 learning by searching for different materials around school. You made a list of them as you went around the school and you wrote them up in your books. We found a whole range of different materials around our school building. You are superb material detectives.

This week you had a PE session with me. You focused on different ways you can travel around whether it be skipping, hopping or crawling. You then learnt how to safely walk backwards by looking over both of your shoulders all of the time. You then used this skill in a game of dodgeball. What fun we had!

In our well-being session, you focused on the emotion of love. You made a list of all the things in the world that you love. You then learnt a hand breathing technique and we thought about different situations when we may need to us this.

It has been a lovely first week back and we have loved hearing all about your summer adventures. I just know that I'm very lucky to be your teacher again for another year!

Have a super weekend in the sunshine,

Miss Haynes

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