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C of E Primary School

Welcome Back Y2 – 9.6.23

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Our first week back has been action packed full of learning. Miss Malcolm (Our CDAT trainee teacher) became our lead teacher this week as we learnt about seeds, computers and poetry...

During our English lessons this week, we dived into the fascinating world of frogs as we embarked on writing fact file reports. We began by conducting research, exploring various factfiles to understand their structure and features. We discovered the importance of headings and subheadings in organising information effectively. With the help of iPads, we dedicated research time to gather interesting facts about frogs. To organise our thoughts and ideas, we utilised spider diagrams to create detailed plans for our reports. It was inspiring to witness your enthusiasm for learning and your dedication to producing informative and well-structured fact file reports about frogs. Well done, everyone!

During our handwriting sessions this week, we directed our attention to mastering the arm join technique to connect a variety of letters. The focus was on achieving a smooth flow as we transitioned from one letter to the next. To accomplish this, we emphasised the importance of a gentle upward stroke, often referred to as "sweeping up," to ensure that each letter seamlessly touched the following one.

This week, we also dedicated time to completing our SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar) and spelling papers. These assessments provided an opportunity for us to demonstrate our understanding of key language skills and spelling rules that we have been learning throughout the year.

During our Maths lessons this week, we wrapped up our engaging unit on mass and measurement and turned our attention towards exploring litres and millilitres. We delved into the world of liquid measurement and practised reading scales on measuring jugs with precision. To deepen our understanding, we took on a variety of problem-solving questions that challenged our mathematical thinking. By applying our knowledge of litres and millilitres, we honed our skills in accurately measuring liquids and solving real-world scenarios. It was impressive to witness your progress and problem-solving abilities throughout this unit. Well done, everyone!

During our steps to read lessons this week, we embarked on an enchanting journey through the poetry book "It Starts with a Seed." We began by exploring the nature of poetry and recapped its various forms and features. As we delved into the book, we engaged in thoughtful discussions and answered thought-provoking questions that deepened our understanding of the poems. With keen eyes and attentive minds, we carefully examined each stanza, deciphering the poet's intentions and unravelling the layers of meaning within the verses. Through this process, we honed our analytical skills and developed a deeper appreciation for the power of language and imagery in poetry. Well done, everyone, for your attentive and insightful exploration of "It Starts with a Seed"!

In our Religious Education lessons this week, we embarked on an exciting new unit exploring Judaism. Our focus was on comparing Judaism to Christianity, identifying similarities and making meaningful connections between the two religions. We delved into discussions and engaged in thoughtful reflections on key aspects such as beliefs, practices, and traditions. By drawing parallels between Judaism and Christianity, we deepened our understanding of both religions and fostered a sense of respect and appreciation for diverse faiths. Looking ahead, we are eager to explore the significance of Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, in the coming week. Stay tuned for our fascinating discoveries and insights into this important aspect of Jewish faith and practice.

In our science lessons this week, we embarked on an exciting new unit all about plants. We began by activating our prior knowledge and recapping what we learned in Year 1 about plants. Building on this foundation, we conducted our first experiment, exploring the conditions necessary for plants to grow. We made changes to various variables, such as light, water, and temperature, and carefully observed and recorded the progress of our plants over the next few weeks. This hands-on approach allowed us to develop a deeper understanding of the factors that influence plant growth.

Continuing our exploration, we focused on the intricate world of seeds. Through dissection, we examined the structure and components of seeds, marvelling at their incredible design. To capture the beauty and details of seeds, we engaged in observational drawing, honing our skills of careful observation and capturing the essence of what we saw. It was a fascinating and creative exercise that allowed us to appreciate the diversity and intricacy of nature.

To begin our final music unit of this academic year, we gathered ideas to answer – 'What does music teach us about looking after our planet?' As a class, we thought about: recycling songs, looking after the environment, saving trees, growing trees and climate change, amongst others. We looked back on our previous learning and realised our song – All around the world, was about the environment. We listened to a new song called 'The Sunshine Song.' We loved copying the actions to accompany this song as well as warming up with our onscreen characters. They were hard to keep up with though!

In our sports coaching session this week, we finished our diamond cricket unit. We will be starting a new unit on rounders. There will hopefully be lots of transferable skills you can use! Well done!

During Heartsmart, we started our new focus on "No Way Through isn't True!" We tried to complete a difficult task and demonstrated resilience, frustration and confusion. We discussed these and thought about strategies that stop us giving up. Well done, team!

P.E next week is Tuesday and Wednesday

Have a lovely Sunday,

Mr Dale

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