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C of E Primary School

Our Final Full Week Of Year 2 15/07/22

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Well, there it is – our final full week together in Year 2 has come to an end. We have once again worked incredibly hard and had so many laughs this week

The name of the game this week was Study Work. We were busy finishing off pages, adding detail and ensuring our books look the best they can. We also created two new pages this week, including a fantastic double page spread about our courageous advocacy mission. We reflected on our mission to STOP littering ONCE and FOR ALL and created a fantastic couple of pages to showcase this. We also worked hard to finish off our brilliant Study Work front covers. We have used the Wybunbury badge as a template to create a multimedia piece of artwork that reflects the three topics we have done this year. On Friday, we thought about all the achievements we have made in Year 2. From this, we wrote some amazing reviews and copied them up neat into our books. It was so lovely to see just how proud you all are of our Study Work books, they are a testament to your hard work this year. Well done!

In Maths, we wrapped up our unit on mass/capacity. We spent the week completing arithmetic starter questions. We also looked at the mass of different objects and counted weights in an efficient method. Well done, team!

On Tuesday it was our Superhero topic day. You can check out the news from this day here: https://www.wybunburydelves.co.uk/our-learning/our-classes/year-2/year-2s-super-theme-day-12722.html?fbclid=IwAR05CZdpl9PWWmBFSeazMAxe3Rbilzne_BueVTl8f5NDS_QnoGB0c_CB4ac

In D.T, we completed our unit on sewing. It was fantastic to see your running stitch skills on display as you attached two pieces of colourful material to make an amazing superhero mask. You demonstrated resilience, patience and focus in your sewing. Well done!

The other big part of our week was a series of RSE lessons. We started by thinking about the differences between girls and boys. We thought about how boys and girls can the the same things e.g. Pokemon! We learnt that personality plays a huge role in what a boy or a girl will like to do. We then moved on to think about babies. We quickly realised the only way to identify a boy or a girl baby was through their private parts. We had a quick giggle and then got super sensible and scientific! We used the technical scientific vocabulary of penis, testicles, vagina and vulva. The next lesson saw us look more closely at animals. We thought about our favourite animals and quickly realised that we can sometimes tell the difference of gender through their appearance. For example a lion's mane or a peacock's feathers. From this, we looked at how animals feed their babies. We sketched our own versions of cats feeding their kittens and labelled key words such as female, kittens and teats. In our final session we recapped all our learning. We then moved onto thinking about labelling different body parts. We now know that boys and girls share much of the same features but differ when it comes to their private parts. You were all so grown up this week, well done, Year 2!

In P.E we headed outside and played a rapid rounders tournament. We had 4 teams playing against each other. It was awesome to see your batting, bowling and catching skills. We had so much fun and even cheered each other on!

During our HeartSmart lesson this week with Miss Holland we spent time completing our Study Work page – check it out!

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine,

Mr Dale

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