We only have one week left of this term, can you believe that Year One.
In English this week you were introduced to one of our SPAG focuses which is using the prefix un. You understood that when you use un in front of a word it means not and changes the meaning of the word to it's opposite. You then changed lots of different words so that they had 'un' in front of it. You then built upon this learning by writing sentences with 'un words' included.
In phonics, you have been continuing to learn your new sounds and develop your fluency by reading more quickly. You have all been able to retain your set 2 sounds, which is fantastic!
In maths, you have been introduced to 2D and 3D shapes. You have been learning all of their different names. You have thought about how they are different to each other and how 3D shapes have 2D shape faces. You have also looked for different shapes around our classroom and school. You also completed an arithmetic and reasoning end of term assessment. I am so proud of how well you have all done on your first assessment!
In our afternoon learning you have been super busy.
In DT, you designed and created your very own cars. You used a saw very carefully to cut your axles to the size that you needed. I must admit your cars look amazing! I know you all felt such a sense of achievement when you had finished them.
In RE, you completed your assessment to answer the question 'What does the Christmas story teach us about Jesus?' You thought about three main parts and what you had learnt about Jesus. You had incredible answers.
Most of the week was then taken up with nativity practices and performances. I was incredibly proud of you when I watched you perform your nativity to your parents and the school. I know how nervous you all were about it but you did yourselves proud and you retold the story beautifully.
Homework has been sent home through email with our key important dates for this week. Please make sure you check it as we've got a very busy week ahead of us.
Hope you had a lovely weekend team.
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street