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C of E Primary School

Y1 weekly news- 6.1.23

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We've enjoyed being back for our new term and learning all about our new topic of 'The zoo'. We've immersed ourselves straight into our topic with lots of animal stories, art work and even a missing penguin!

In English this week, you wrote your cold task on a losing tale. You thought about anything you may have lost in your life and how it made you feel. You then created a story about it for our 'have a go' write. On Friday, we were hooked into our new story of 'lost and found' by revealing a secret message that was stuck in ice blocks that you had to melt. The secret message told us to go to fort Lewis and when we got there we found a lost and found box. There were many items inside but most importantly we found a poster of a lost penguin that had been in our classroom. We thought carefully about where this penguin may have come from and why it was in our school? All day you looked for clues to see if you could see the penguin.

In maths, you started your new topic on addition within 20. You recapped your learning of your numbers to 20 and then started by adding ones and counting on. We used ten frames, number line and dice to practice adding to 20. You were very confident at this!

In big art this week you created some paintings in the style of Henri Rousseau. You created a painting of an animal hidden in a jungle. You used mix-media to create different textures in your art work. You used black pen for bold outlines, water colour for a background wash, oil pastels and tissue paper for your animals. The tissue paper helped your animal to pop out of the painting. I think they look amazing on our zoo display.

Wow Year 1! You worked so hard in music. You followed the Solfège hand signs in C major scale; both onscreen and paper instructions. You also learnt the notes that each hand sign represents and showcased these beautifully in a group activity. Great work!

In PE with sports cape you focused very carefully on your football skills and trying to score goals. I could hear you all cheering each other on, brilliant team work skills!

We've had a lovely first few days back and have really enjoyed being introduced to our new topic. I will see you on Monday superstars for our first full week back.

Miss Haynes

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