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C of E Primary School

Y1 weekly news 25.3.22

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What a busy week we have had in Y1! You have worked so hard and have learnt so much.

In English, you have worked really hard on writing losing tales. We edited our shared write and thought about what we needed to change in our stories to make them even better. You then started to plan your own independent losing take and worked so hard on thinking about changing the place where you lost the animal and where you could lose them. You worked very hard to then write your stories thinking about everything I had taught you. I was amazed how much of the resources you used to help you. You also focused so much on keeping your handwriting super neat. On Friday, you finished the week sharing your stories with your friends and you both looked at how you could edit your stories to make sure you included capital letters and full stops. You got to use the Y2 green pens to help you edit your work...check you out my super learners!

In reading and phonics this week you have shared your books with your friends and read to them. You have continued to go to your phonics groups and learn your set 3 sounds. You also completed some reading quizzes and showed off your amazing reading and comprehension skills.

I'm maths you have worked so hard on learning your 2s, 5s and 10s. We have kept playing games throughout the week to help us learn to count in these multiples. This week you also worked super hard on completing math quizzes to help me understand how much learning you have retained and understood and what else we need to recap. Well Y1, it showed me one thing and that is that you are super mathematicians!

In our afternoon learning, we are coming to the end of our animal learning which we are very sad about.

In Geography, you learnt more about the hot country Kenya. You were able to tell me that Kenya is on the equator and has a dry and wet season each year. We also found out that it is hot all year round because it lies on the equator which is the closest part of the earth to the sun. We then decided to look at some live webcams of Kenya and what did we find....elephants in the wild! We couldn't believe it and it was so fun to watch them in their natural habitat. We thought about the weather forecast and you packed a bag of clothes for our teddy bear who was going to visit Kenya this week. We thought about what we need to pack for a hot country! You decided on shorts, dresses, swimsuits, sun cream and sun glasses too. You are super packers Y1!

In science, you learnt about your five senses and you labelled these on your face that drew in your science books. You thought carefully about what body parts we use for each sense and we found out some super interesting facts. Did you know that everyone has a different number of tastebuds? Did you know that you can touch with all of your skin but we have more touch responders in our hands and finger tips so we feel stuff more with these parts of our body? We built upon our learning by going on a sense hunt. You thought carefully about what you could see, hear, touch, taste and smell outside. We realised that we could see lots of signs of spring happening on our school grounds too.

In PE, this week Miss Haynes got to teach you which she was very excited about! We started the lesson off with a game of dishes and domes. You then practiced your throwing and catching skills with balls and frisbees. What fun we had! In your sportscape session you played a brilliant game of dodgeball!

In RE, you continued to look at the theme of forgiveness. We recapped the story of Jonah and the Whale and thought carefully about how Jonah felt in the Whale. He asked the question of 'What should I do'? We used a conscience alley to answer this question where one side people told Jonah we he should listen to God and go to Ninevah and the other side said why he shouldn't go to Ninevah. You then built upon this by writing about how Jonah felt in the Whale. Your ideas were fantastic.

This week we focused on your courageous advocacy of 'The woodland trust'. You proudly taught Y2 and Y4 all about how and why we should save the trees. I was amazed at how your spread our important message with such passion and love. It was a huge thing to stand in front of children that are older than you and you did it with such ease. We then showed all of the children how to plant a tree. We want to say a huge thank you to Megan from Y4 for allowing us to help her plant a tree in our school. We are excited to watch it grow over the years.

We also enjoyed many worships over the week, our favourite one has to be about remembering the time we went in our first ever lockdown. We remembered the bravery of the NHS and key workers. We thought about how difficult it was to stay in our homes and we reflected on how far we have come and how lucky we are. You coloured in daffodils and we displayed them in our window. Have you spotted your daffodil?

Well done for a super week Y1, I hope you had a lovely weekend.

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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