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C of E Primary School

Y1 weekly news 22.4.22

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Welcome back to school Y1! It has been so lovely to hear all about your Easter adventures. I am so proud of how well you have settled back into our school routines and have continued to work hard. We have definitely fitted a lot of learning into just 4 days.

In English, we jumped straight into our T4W topic that is about the ‘lighthouse keepers lunch’. You completed a cold write on Monday on a warning story. You tried so hard at writing independently and thinking about what you need to include in a story. We will now build upon this writing by learning more about how we can add detail, use capital letters for names and places and use different suffixes. On Tuesday, you were hooked into our new T4W story by finding a lunchbox attached to a pulley rope in the classroom. It was surrounded by three pesky seagulls and inside it was a half eaten lunch. There was a letter left for Y1 which asked the children to create a disgusting sandwich to try and put the seagulls off from stealing food. Well Y1, we had so much fun creating different disgusting toppings. You used adjectives to describe each of the toppings which made it sound even more yucky! We then learnt the first paragraph of our story and we will continue to learn the rest of it next week. You even wrote some questions on Friday to ask the characters further information.

In phonics, you have been continuing to learn your sounds and reading your books. You were put in your new groups this week and I was amazed at how well you settled into them and how hard you worked. With our phonics screening check only being a couple of weeks away we are working very hard trying to secure all of our sounds and apply these sounds by reading them in words.

In maths, the children have been learning about measuring weight. We have worked through all of our power maths questions. We started the week by comparing weight on a balance scale. We then built upon this learning by measuring weight using blocks and I was amazed by how well you could do this. You then compared measures of weight by ordering them from heaviest to lightest. We then finished our week by a fun practical lesson where you created your own balance scales using a hanger, string and two cups. Wow Y1, we had so much fun weighing different items and working through our different challenges.

In our afternoon learning we have been immersing ourselves into our new topic of ‘The seaside’ with our big art project. We focused on the artist ‘Maud Lewis’ who was a Canadian Folk artist. We looked at the different artwork she produced and how she produced it. The children learnt that a lot of Mauds work is based on layering paint and mixing certain colours together. The children then practiced creating ‘sky, rock, grass and sea’ colours by mixing different colours together or layering white paint on top of blue to create waves and clouds. The children then created their own sea side landscape picture using Maud Lewis’ techniques. We even created a bigger version using corrugated card which will go on our display. We are so proud of our paintings and can’t wait for them to go into our study work books.

For this week’s HeartSmart lesson, we looked at different ways of helping us handle negative emotions. Thinking about some made-up scenarios, we used chalk, on the playground, to draw the facial expressions of the people in these scenarios. After a discussion, we then thought about ways that forgiveness can help us not hold on to negative feelings. Bible Reference: ‘Love does not count up wrongs that have been done.’ 1 Corinthians 13:4-5

Over the week, the children have been working hard to create their 2nd courageous advocacy worship for you. Please find it on an email that has been sent out so that you can watch it. I am so proud of how enthusiastic the children are about the ‘woodland trust’.

Hope you all have a lovely and relaxing weekend Y1.

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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