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C of E Primary School

Happy half term Y1 27.05.22

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We celebrated like queens and kings on our final week of half term.

In English, you learnt all about the royal family and why we are celebrating the queen’s platinum jubilee. You were so fascinated by this learning. We then thought about what rules we would make if we were a king or queen for the day. You created some fantastic pieces of writing on this which will be put in your study work. You also spent lots of time practicing your handwriting focusing on certain letters at a time.

In phonics, you have all been working incredibly hard in your phonics groups, afternoon sessions and phonics booster clubs. You have worked incredibly hard practicing your sounds in your yellow books at home too. I have never felt so proud and as we complete the phonics screening check in the first week back, I know that you have all worked like superstars to get to this point.

In maths, we moved away from multiplication and focused on division. You learnt how to split an amount into equal groups. You used lots of practical objects to help you work this out and you soon became experts at doing it. You then built upon this learning by learning how to share different amounts equally. I was so proud of how well you understood all of this learning.

In science, we brought all of our learning about plants together to create a study work page. We created our very own flower and labelled the different parts.

In art, we finished our topic inspired by David Hockney by creating an under the water themed painting. You used his style of wax resist to create the waves and you then used a watercolour wash over the top. We then used his skill of photography to take a picture of our peers pretending to be swimming. You then cut these pictures out and stuck them onto your paintings alongside some under the sea animals. They look fantastic!

In history, you thought about how we could answer the question of ‘How does the Victorian seaside differ from now?’. You started by researching the Victorian seaside and finding out facts. Did you know most people travelled by steam train to the seaside? Did you know people used bathing machines to get changed in? You then watched a video all about the Victorian seaside and how it has changed over time. You then created a Venn diagram to separate things into to past, present and both. You even found out that people in the past used to ride donkeys and this is still something we can do now, a tradition that has continued to follow through generations.

This week in our music lesson, we were shown a picture of a house. We had to predict what this week’s song could be about. Its title was ‘Get Ready!’

We were right! It was about getting up and ready for school in the morning. It had such a catchy melody. The lyrics were all about having a great day and having fun at school. To end our lesson, we sang our Platinum Jubilee song – Shine.

On Friday, we had a huge celebration for the Queen’s platinum jubilee. At lunch time, we carried our picnic blankets and bags down to the field and had a ‘field party’ with the rest of the school. It was so lovely to see everybody and you even got to play all together on the field. I know many of you enjoyed being with your siblings. We then had a celebration worship in the hall with everybody. You showed off your mood board of the 2000s to the rest of the school and sang our Take that- shine song. You listened beautifully to everybody else’s songs and loved learning about the different decades and how things have changed in the last 70 years. We definitely partied and celebrated in a true royal way whilst wearing our red, white and blue.

Homework has not been set for half term but please continue to practice your phonics ready for your phonics screening check on your first week back.

Y1, can you believe that we are going into our final half term together. You make me proud ever single day and I am very lucky to be your teacher. I hope you all have an absolutely fantastic half term with your families.

See you after half term,

Miss Haynes

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