We have had a few cold and chilly starts to our days but it hasn't dampened our spirits or enthusiasm for learning.
Let's share what we have been doing...
Our learning focus this week was to count up to 8 objects and show them using concrete representations, including the ten frame. This week we introduced counters as a representation of an amount for the first time.
To help us explore this concept we began our starter session by counting accurately groups of objects, ensuring that we recognised a starting point when objects were placed randomly and came up with ideas to support this by suggesting lining objects up or touching each one as we said the number. Using some of our animals from small world play, we sang the animal leg song, touching each leg as we counted. We found animals with 2, 4, 6 and 8 legs. We couldn't find any animals that have 1, 2 or 5 legs! We concluded that legs must come in pairs.
In our discover session, we counted the different features of creatures, how many legs or spots they had. We represented them on our template using counters and checked we had the correct number by counting accurately with 1:1 matching. We then represented the different values on the ten frame and looked at different ways of showing 8. We recognised that which ever way we showed 8, there was always two empty spaces left in the 10 frame.
In our thinking together session we focused on counting different representations of 8. Using the picture image we counted the spots on the butterfly and showed this as an amount on our butterfly frame using counters. We then looked at a new image and discussed the similarities and differences. We then represented the new amount on our frame.
In our challenge session we practiced counting up to 8 using the features of natural objects, looking what was the same and what the possible differences were, which helped us to determine which were the odd one out. This was really interesting because if we changed the different aspects we were looking for, different objects could be the odd one out.
In our practice journal, to consolidate our learning, we used our independent thinking to represent 8 in as many different ways as possible. Reception we have some great mathamaticians, well done!
This week in PE we started our gymnastics topic! We learnt how gymnasts sit, with our legs straight out in front, straight backs and our hands on our knees. We also started to learn how to 'present' as gymnasts. Our warm up this week involved gentle stretching, starting with our moving our ankles in small circles and moving up though our knees, hips and shoulders.
We were creative, using our bodies to pretend to be different animals; hopping like rabbits, jumping like frogs and balancing on one leg.
We will be focusing on rocking and rolling during this term, this week we started by looking at dish rocks on our front and back, we watched some gymnasts performing these before giving it a try ourselves, it was much harder than it looked! We are really looking forward to exploring this topic over the next few weeks.
In our music session we listened to 'We Are Family' by Sister Sledge, we all really enjoyed this song as we said it sounded happy and we could dance to it. Some said it made them happy as it made them think of their own families and others said they had heard it before on the radio.
We started to look at some nursery rhymes and songs including 'Wind the bobbin up' and 'if your happy and you know it.' We talked about about how these nursery rhymes have actions, we then enjoyed learning the actions and singing along as a group. We practiced them a few times before performing wind the bobbin up! We think we did a great job.
We have continued to work on our Paul Horton art project and have drawn out our own version of his artwork, keeping it simplistic and adding the features that we liked. We needed to think about the different shapes that we would need for our style of house too. We have taken a great pride in them and they are looking fabulous!
In our heartsmart session we learnt that all families are important and special and other people's families can look differently to our family. For our game of parachute families we made a large circle, each holding onto a piece of the parachute. Once we had mastered the skill of working together to raise and lower the parachute we swapped with someone in the group when the question asked described our family.
Boris says 'Families are important to help us feel safe and loved.'
In 1 Corinthians 16:14 it says 'Do everything in love'
In our wellbeing time we joined our wonderful year 6 buddies on the daily mile track for a few laps.
In our daily phonics sessions we have quickly recapped known sounds and explored new sounds in listening, reading and writing activities. Fred has been very busy this week trying to find new words for us to blend and say back to him. It is such a shame he can only speak sounds but we think he is impressed so far with how much quicker we are with our blending skills.
For our talk for writing work we have listened to the story of the Gingerbread man retold by Catherine McCafferty. Many of us have heard this story before and were able to joyfully join in with the repetitive nature of the text. After listening to the story we then mapped it out onto a story map.
Once confident we had all the elements of the story, we used Talk for Writing and Makaton actions to support our story retelling. We have now recorded this so we can listen back to our story telling voices and listen to elements of the story to help with our writing tasks.
We have continued to share and enjoy our class story 'Hansel and Gretel' by Michael Morpurgo. We have explored new vocabulary that we have encountered each day and we have loved using intonation and facial expressions for the different characters. The character of Belladona leads to some great discussions, even though she is evil and wicked in the book so far, our experience of great lovers of books tells us that evil never wins, only good. So we are exited to near the end of our book to see if our predictions for this story are true.
This week we have started to explore the concept of the kingdom of God in RE. Our enquiry question is 'What kind of king might Jesus have been? To help us explore this idea we read the story of farmer Duck by 'Martin Waddell.' We asked 'Is this how a farmer should act?' We thought not, we thought he was lazy, mean and selfish. He didn't think about the ducks feelings or notice that he was tired and upset.
Using a picture of the farmer from the story, we added a crown and thought whether this changed our mind of how the farmer should act. If he was now a king, should he behave this way.
We thought a king should be kind, helpful, loving and kind, which is no suprise as they are qualities that we try to be everyday in class to each other.
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