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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 27: 05: 22

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Happy Holidays Reception Class.
It has been lovely to join you back in class this week and what a fantastic week it has been as we have prepared for and celebrated the Queen's Platinum Jubilee.

Understanding The World Development

This week our main focus for learning has been about Queen Elizabeth II and her service to our country for the past 70 years. Each class had been given a decade to represent and share with the school community and our decade was the 2010s. Exploring some of the key events in the Queens life during this decade we discovered that she celebrated her diamond jubilee as well as making a grand entrance to the Olympics opening ceremony by parachute in 2012; she attended the weddings of her grandsons Prince William and Prince Harry to Catherine and Megan and during this decade of course we were all born!
We are really proud of our decade board, we hope you like it too!

Expressive Arts and Development

In music we worked really hard practicing our songs for our Queens Platinum Jubilee celebrations.
The song that we chose to represent our decade was 'You Can Count On Me' by Bruno Mars. We love this song, as it reminds us of our year 6 buddies as the first time we joined them in for their Year 6 worship they sang it to us.

We also began to learn our national anthem 'God Save The Queen.' Some of us said that we had heard this song before, some in church and others when watching the football. We went through the words together as a group before putting it to the music and singing it through a few times.

Every party needs party wear and so we have been busy painting our Union Jack flags to wave and a jewelled crown to wear to the Jubilee picnic. A lot of care and considered work went into this items reception class, well done.

Mathematical Development

In maths we followed on from our fantastic learning last week about doubles and began to learn about halving and sharing. We have been learning to half quantities by sharing into two equal groups. We learnt to make links between doubles and know that halving in the opposite of doubling.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In Heart smart we learnt to tell others something special about our homes and families. Firstly we recapped on what we have learnt from Boris this half term; we talked about how we have learnt to be thankful and that we are all different and that is what makes us special.

Talking to a partner we discussed what is special to us and our families. We had some really lovely special items like bedtime teddies and blankets that we had received from special people in our lives and it was lovely to hear Mabel's special item was her bible which she had been given by her mum and dad.

Once we had all shared our items we discussed how everyone's item was different and how an item that one person finds special may not be special to others and that's ok.

Boris says "Being heart smart means being able to share and celebrate our differences."
Bible link 'You are chosen by God.' Peter 2:9

Physical Development

In PE we came to the end of our throwing and catching topic. We recapped all of the things that we have learnt throughout this half term.

In small groups, we completed circuit workouts that included; jogging on the spot, holding a plank, high knee jogging and step ups for 30 seconds each and before move on when we heard the beep. It was great fun but we were very tired when we had completed the circuits a couple of times!

When we had warmed up we all had a go of throwing and catching to see if we had mastered these skills. We did a great job!

Literacy Development

In our Literacy development we have continued with our daily phonics lessons where we have recapped recognising, reading and writing polysyllabic words in sentences that contain the ay, ee and igh special friend sounds.

We finished our week in style by joining together with our school community to share a celebration picnic. Happy Platinum Jubilee everyone !

Have a restful holiday
See you next term
Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright

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